Class | Align |
Bit of aligned text |
Class | AlphaCommand |
A command without paramters whose result is alphabetical |
Class | BarredText |
Text with a bar somewhere |
Class | BeginCommand |
A begin{}...end command and what it entails (array, cases, aligned) |
Class | BibStylesConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | BibTeXConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | BigBracket |
A big bracket generator. |
Class | BigSymbol |
A big symbol generator. |
Class | BlackBox |
A container that does not output anything |
Class | BoldText |
Bold text |
Class | BoundedDummy |
A bound parser that ignores everything |
Class | BoundedParser |
A parser bound by a final line |
Class | Bracket |
A {} bracket inside a formula |
Class | BracketCommand |
A command which defines a bracket. |
Class | BracketProcessor |
A processor for bracket commands. |
Class | BranchOptions |
A set of options for a branch |
Class | ChapteredGenerator |
Generate chaptered numbers, as in Chapter.Number. |
Class | Cloner |
An object used to clone other objects. |
Class | ColorText |
Colored text |
Class | CombiningFunction |
No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 2/2 methods documented |
Class | CommandBit |
A formula bit that includes a command |
Class | CommandLineParser |
A parser for runtime options |
Class | Comment |
A LaTeX comment: % to the end of the line. |
Class | Constant |
A constant string |
Class | Container |
A container for text and objects in a lyx file |
Class | ContainerConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | ContainerExtractor |
A class to extract certain containers. |
Class | ContainerOutput |
The generic HTML output for a container. |
Class | ContainerSize |
The size of a container. |
Class | ContentsOutput |
Outputs the contents converted to HTML |
Class | DecoratingFunction |
A function that decorates some bit of text |
Class | DependentCounter |
A counter which depends on another one (the master). |
Class | DocumentParameters |
Global parameters for the document. |
Class | EmphaticText |
Text with emphatic mode |
Class | EmptyCommand |
An empty command (without parameters) |
Class | EmptyOutput |
No class docstring; 2/2 methods documented |
Class | EndingList |
A list of position endings |
Class | EquationEnvironment |
A begin{}...end equation environment with rows and cells. |
Class | EscapeConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | ExcludingParser |
A parser that excludes the final line |
Class | FilePosition |
A parse position based on an underlying file. |
Class | FilteredOutput |
Returns the output in the contents, but filtered: |
Class | FixedOutput |
Fixed output |
Class | FlexURL |
A flexible URL |
Class | FontFunction |
A function of one parameter that changes the font |
Class | Formula |
A LaTeX formula |
Class | FormulaArray |
An array within a formula |
Class | FormulaBit |
A bit of a formula |
Class | FormulaCases |
A cases statement |
Class | FormulaCell |
An array cell inside a row |
Class | FormulaCommand |
A LaTeX command inside a formula |
Class | FormulaConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | FormulaConstant |
A constant string in a formula |
Class | FormulaEquation |
A simple numbered equation. |
Class | FormulaFactory |
Construct bits of formula |
Class | FormulaMacro |
A math macro defined in an inset. |
Class | FormulaMatrix |
A matrix (array with center alignment). |
Class | FormulaNumber |
A string of digits in a formula |
Class | FormulaParser |
Parses a formula |
Class | FormulaProcessor |
A processor specifically for formulas. |
Class | FormulaRow |
An array row inside an array |
Class | FormulaSymbol |
A symbol inside a formula |
Class | GeneralConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | Globable |
A bit of text which can be globbed (lumped together in bits). Methods current(), skipcurrent(), checkfor() and isout() have to be implemented by subclasses. |
Class | HeaderConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | HeaderParser |
Parses the LyX header |
Class | Hfill |
Horizontall fill |
Class | HybridFunction |
No summary |
Class | HybridSize |
The size associated with a hybrid function. |
Class | ImageConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | InsetLength |
A length measure inside an inset. |
Class | InsetParser |
Parses a LyX inset |
Class | Label |
A label to be referenced |
Class | LabelFunction |
A function that acts as a label |
Class | LangLine |
A line with language information |
Class | LayoutConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | LimitCommand |
A command which accepts limits above and below, in display mode. |
Class | LimitPreviousCommand |
A command to limit the previous command. |
Class | LimitsProcessor |
A processor for limits inside an element. |
Class | LineReader |
Reads a file line by line |
Class | LineWriter |
Writes a file as a series of lists |
Class | Link |
A link to another part of the document |
Class | LinkOutput |
A link pointing to some destination |
Class | LoneCommand |
A parser for just one command line |
Class | LstParser |
Parse global and local lstparams. |
Class | LyXFormat |
Read the lyxformat command |
Class | LyXLine |
A Lyx line |
Class | MacroDefinition |
A function that defines a new command (a macro). |
Class | MacroFunction |
A function that was defined using a macro. |
Class | MacroParameter |
A parameter from elyxer.a macro. |
Class | MacroParser |
A parser for a formula macro. |
Class | MathsProcessor |
A processor for a maths construction inside the FormulaProcessor. |
Class | MultiRowFormula |
A formula with multiple rows. |
Class | NewfangleConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | Newline |
A newline |
Class | NewPage |
A new page |
Class | NumberCounter |
A counter for numbers (by default). |
Class | NumberGenerator |
A number generator for unique sequences and hierarchical structures. Used in: |
Class | NumberingConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | OneParamFunction |
A function of one parameter |
Class | Options |
A set of runtime options |
Class | ParameterDefinition |
The definition of a parameter in a hybrid function. |
Class | ParameterFunction |
A function with a variable number of parameters defined in a template. |
Class | Parser |
A generic parser |
Class | Position |
A position in a text to parse. Including those in Globable, functions to implement by subclasses are: skip(), identifier(), extract(), isout() and current(). |
Class | PositionEnding |
An ending for a parsing position |
Class | Postprocessor |
Postprocess a container keeping some context |
Class | PreambleParser |
A parser for the LyX preamble. |
Class | QuoteContainer |
A container for a pretty quote |
Class | RawText |
A bit of text inside a formula |
Class | Reference |
A reference to a label. |
Class | Separator |
A separator string which is not extracted by extracttext(). |
Class | ShapedText |
Text shaped (italic, slanted) |
Class | SizeText |
Sized text |
Class | Space |
A space of several types |
Class | SpacedCommand |
An empty command which should have math spacing in formulas. |
Class | SquareBracket |
A [] bracket inside a formula |
Class | StageDict |
A dictionary of stages corresponding to classes |
Class | StartAppendix |
Mark to start an appendix here. |
Class | StrikeOut |
Striken out text. |
Class | StringContainer |
A container for a single string |
Class | StringOutput |
Returns a bare string as output |
Class | StringParser |
Parses just a string |
Class | StyleConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | SymbolFunction |
Find a function which is represented by a symbol (like _ or ^) |
Class | TagConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | TaggedBit |
A tagged string in a formula |
Class | TaggedOutput |
Outputs an HTML tag surrounding the contents. |
Class | TaggedText |
Text inside a tag |
Class | TextFamily |
A bit of text from elyxer.a different family |
Class | TextFunction |
A function where parameters are read as text. |
Class | TextParser |
A parser for a command and a bit of text |
Class | TextPosition |
A parse position based on a raw text. |
Class | TOCConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | TodayCommand |
Shows today's date. |
Class | Trace |
A tracing class |
Class | TranslationConfig |
Configuration class from elyxer.config file |
Class | Translator |
Reads the configuration file and tries to find a translation. |
Class | URL |
A clickable URL |
Class | VersalitasText |
Text in versalitas |
Class | VerticalSpace |
An inset that contains a vertical space. |
Class | WhiteSpace |
Some white space inside a formula. |
Class | WholeFormula |
Parse a whole formula |
Function | main |
Main function, called if invoked from elyxer.the command line |
Function | math2html |
Convert some TeX math to HTML. |