module documentation


Class Align Bit of aligned text
Class AlphaCommand A command without paramters whose result is alphabetical
Class BarredText Text with a bar somewhere
Class BeginCommand A begin{}...end command and what it entails (array, cases, aligned)
Class BibStylesConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class BibTeXConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class BigBracket A big bracket generator.
Class BigSymbol A big symbol generator.
Class BlackBox A container that does not output anything
Class BoldText Bold text
Class BoundedDummy A bound parser that ignores everything
Class BoundedParser A parser bound by a final line
Class Bracket A {} bracket inside a formula
Class BracketCommand A command which defines a bracket.
Class BracketProcessor A processor for bracket commands.
Class BranchOptions A set of options for a branch
Class ChapteredGenerator Generate chaptered numbers, as in Chapter.Number.
Class Cloner An object used to clone other objects.
Class ColorText Colored text
Class CombiningFunction No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 2/2 methods documented
Class CommandBit A formula bit that includes a command
Class CommandLineParser A parser for runtime options
Class Comment A LaTeX comment: % to the end of the line.
Class Constant A constant string
Class Container A container for text and objects in a lyx file
Class ContainerConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class ContainerExtractor A class to extract certain containers.
Class ContainerOutput The generic HTML output for a container.
Class ContainerSize The size of a container.
Class ContentsOutput Outputs the contents converted to HTML
Class DecoratingFunction A function that decorates some bit of text
Class DependentCounter A counter which depends on another one (the master).
Class DocumentParameters Global parameters for the document.
Class EmphaticText Text with emphatic mode
Class EmptyCommand An empty command (without parameters)
Class EmptyOutput No class docstring; 2/2 methods documented
Class EndingList A list of position endings
Class EquationEnvironment A begin{}...end equation environment with rows and cells.
Class EscapeConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class ExcludingParser A parser that excludes the final line
Class FilePosition A parse position based on an underlying file.
Class FilteredOutput Returns the output in the contents, but filtered:
Class FixedOutput Fixed output
Class FlexURL A flexible URL
Class FontFunction A function of one parameter that changes the font
Class Formula A LaTeX formula
Class FormulaArray An array within a formula
Class FormulaBit A bit of a formula
Class FormulaCases A cases statement
Class FormulaCell An array cell inside a row
Class FormulaCommand A LaTeX command inside a formula
Class FormulaConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class FormulaConstant A constant string in a formula
Class FormulaEquation A simple numbered equation.
Class FormulaFactory Construct bits of formula
Class FormulaMacro A math macro defined in an inset.
Class FormulaMatrix A matrix (array with center alignment).
Class FormulaNumber A string of digits in a formula
Class FormulaParser Parses a formula
Class FormulaProcessor A processor specifically for formulas.
Class FormulaRow An array row inside an array
Class FormulaSymbol A symbol inside a formula
Class GeneralConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class Globable A bit of text which can be globbed (lumped together in bits). Methods current(), skipcurrent(), checkfor() and isout() have to be implemented by subclasses.
Class HeaderConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class HeaderParser Parses the LyX header
Class Hfill Horizontall fill
Class HybridFunction A parameter function where the output is also defined using a template. The template can use a number of functions; each function has an associated tag. Example: [f0{$1},span class="fbox"] defines a function f0 which corresponds to a span of class fbox, yielding <span class="fbox">$1</span>...
Class HybridSize The size associated with a hybrid function.
Class ImageConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class InsetLength A length measure inside an inset.
Class InsetParser Parses a LyX inset
Class Label A label to be referenced
Class LabelFunction A function that acts as a label
Class LangLine A line with language information
Class LayoutConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class LimitCommand A command which accepts limits above and below, in display mode.
Class LimitPreviousCommand A command to limit the previous command.
Class LimitsProcessor A processor for limits inside an element.
Class LineReader Reads a file line by line
Class LineWriter Writes a file as a series of lists
Class Link A link to another part of the document
Class LinkOutput A link pointing to some destination
Class LoneCommand A parser for just one command line
Class LstParser Parse global and local lstparams.
Class LyXFormat Read the lyxformat command
Class LyXLine A Lyx line
Class MacroDefinition A function that defines a new command (a macro).
Class MacroFunction A function that was defined using a macro.
Class MacroParameter A parameter from elyxer.a macro.
Class MacroParser A parser for a formula macro.
Class MathsProcessor A processor for a maths construction inside the FormulaProcessor.
Class MultiRowFormula A formula with multiple rows.
Class NewfangleConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class Newline A newline
Class NewPage A new page
Class NumberCounter A counter for numbers (by default).
Class NumberGenerator A number generator for unique sequences and hierarchical structures. Used in:
Class NumberingConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class OneParamFunction A function of one parameter
Class Options A set of runtime options
Class ParameterDefinition The definition of a parameter in a hybrid function.
Class ParameterFunction A function with a variable number of parameters defined in a template.
Class Parser A generic parser
Class Position A position in a text to parse. Including those in Globable, functions to implement by subclasses are: skip(), identifier(), extract(), isout() and current().
Class PositionEnding An ending for a parsing position
Class Postprocessor Postprocess a container keeping some context
Class PreambleParser A parser for the LyX preamble.
Class QuoteContainer A container for a pretty quote
Class RawText A bit of text inside a formula
Class Reference A reference to a label.
Class Separator A separator string which is not extracted by extracttext().
Class ShapedText Text shaped (italic, slanted)
Class SizeText Sized text
Class Space A space of several types
Class SpacedCommand An empty command which should have math spacing in formulas.
Class SquareBracket A [] bracket inside a formula
Class StageDict A dictionary of stages corresponding to classes
Class StartAppendix Mark to start an appendix here.
Class StrikeOut Striken out text.
Class StringContainer A container for a single string
Class StringOutput Returns a bare string as output
Class StringParser Parses just a string
Class StyleConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class SymbolFunction Find a function which is represented by a symbol (like _ or ^)
Class TagConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class TaggedBit A tagged string in a formula
Class TaggedOutput Outputs an HTML tag surrounding the contents.
Class TaggedText Text inside a tag
Class TextFamily A bit of text from elyxer.a different family
Class TextFunction A function where parameters are read as text.
Class TextParser A parser for a command and a bit of text
Class TextPosition A parse position based on a raw text.
Class TOCConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class TodayCommand Shows today's date.
Class Trace A tracing class
Class TranslationConfig Configuration class from elyxer.config file
Class Translator Reads the configuration file and tries to find a translation.
Class URL A clickable URL
Class VersalitasText Text in versalitas
Class VerticalSpace An inset that contains a vertical space.
Class WhiteSpace Some white space inside a formula.
Class WholeFormula Parse a whole formula
Function main Main function, called if invoked from elyxer.the command line
Function math2html Convert some TeX math to HTML.
def main(): (source)

Main function, called if invoked from elyxer.the command line

def math2html(formula): (source)

Convert some TeX math to HTML.