class documentation

class EndingList(object): (source)

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A list of position endings
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __unicode__ Printable representation
Method add Add a new ending to the list
Method checkin Search for an ending
Method checkpending Check if there are any pending endings
Method findending Find the ending at the current position
Method pickpending Pick any pending endings from a parse position.
Method pop Remove the ending at the current position
Instance Variable endings Undocumented
def __init__(self): (source)


def __unicode__(self): (source)
Printable representation
def add(self, ending, optional=False): (source)
Add a new ending to the list
def checkin(self, pos): (source)
Search for an ending
def checkpending(self): (source)
Check if there are any pending endings
def findending(self, pos): (source)
Find the ending at the current position
def pickpending(self, pos): (source)
Pick any pending endings from a parse position.
def pop(self, pos): (source)
Remove the ending at the current position
endings: list = (source)
