class documentation

class DependentCounter(NumberCounter): (source)

Constructor: DependentCounter(name)

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A counter which depends on another one (the master).

Method getnext Increase or, if the master counter has changed, restart.
Method getvalue Get the value of the combined counter: master.dependent.
Method setmaster Set the master counter.
Instance Variable last Undocumented
Instance Variable master Undocumented

Inherited from NumberCounter:

Method __init__ Give a name to the counter.
Method __unicode__ Return a printable representation.
Method getletter Get the next value as a letter.
Method getroman Get the next value as a roman number.
Method getsequence Get the next value from elyxer.a sequence.
Method getsymbol Get the next value as a symbol.
Method gettext Get the next value as a text string.
Method init Set an initial value.
Method reset Reset the counter.
Method setmode Set the counter mode. Can be changed at runtime.
Class Variable letters Undocumented
Class Variable romannumerals Undocumented
Class Variable symbols Undocumented
Instance Variable mode Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Instance Variable value Undocumented
def getnext(self): (source)

Increase or, if the master counter has changed, restart.

def getvalue(self): (source)

Get the value of the combined counter: master.dependent.

def setmaster(self, master): (source)

Set the master counter.
