class documentation

class Translator(object): (source)

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Reads the configuration file and tries to find a translation.

Class Method translate Get the translated message for a key.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method findtranslation Find the translation for the document language.
Method getmessage Get the translated message for the given key.
Method getuntranslated Get the untranslated message.
Class Variable instance Undocumented
Instance Variable first Undocumented
Instance Variable langcodes Undocumented
Instance Variable translation Undocumented
def translate(cls, key): (source)

Get the translated message for a key.

def __init__(self): (source)


def findtranslation(self): (source)

Find the translation for the document language.

def getmessage(self, key): (source)

Get the translated message for the given key.

def getuntranslated(self, key): (source)

Get the untranslated message.

instance = (source)


first: bool = (source)


langcodes = (source)


translation = (source)
