class documentation

class HybridFunction(ParameterFunction): (source)

Constructor: HybridFunction()

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A parameter function where the output is also defined using a template. The template can use a number of functions; each function has an associated tag. Example: [f0{$1},span class="fbox"] defines a function f0 which corresponds to a span of class fbox, yielding <span class="fbox">$1</span>. Literal parameters can be used in tags definitions:

[f0{$1},span style="color: $p;"]

yields <span style="color: $p;">$1</span>, where $p is a literal parameter. Sizes can be specified in hybridsizes, e.g. adding parameter sizes. By default the resulting size is the max of all arguments. Sizes are used to generate the right parameters. A function followed by a single / is output as a self-closing XHTML tag:


will generate <hr/>.

Method computehybridsize Compute the size of the hybrid function.
Method parsebit Parse a function with [] and {} parameters
Method readtag Get the tag corresponding to the given index. Does parameter substitution.
Method writebracket Return a new bracket looking at the given direction.
Method writefunction Write a single function f0,...,fn.
Method writeparam Write a single param of the form $0, $x...
Method writeparams Write all params according to the template
Method writepos Write all params as read in the parse position.
Instance Variable contents Undocumented
Instance Variable size Undocumented

Inherited from ParameterFunction:

Method getliteralvalue Get the literal value of a parameter.
Method getparam Get a parameter as parsed.
Method getvalue Get the value of a parameter.
Method paramdefs Read each param definition in the template
Method readparams Read the params according to the template.
Instance Variable params Undocumented

Inherited from CommandBit (via ParameterFunction):

Method parseliteral Parse a literal bracket.
Method parseparameter Parse a parameter at the current position
Method parsesquare Parse a square bracket
Method parsesquareliteral Parse a square bracket literally.
Method parsetext Parse a text parameter.
Method setcommand Set the command in the bit
Instance Variable command Undocumented
Instance Variable translated Undocumented

Inherited from FormulaCommand (via ParameterFunction, CommandBit):

Method detect Find the current command.
Method emptycommand Check for an empty command: look for command disguised as ending. Special case against '{ { } }' situation.
Method extractcommand Extract the command from elyxer.the current position.
Method parsecommandtype Parse a given command type.
Method parseupgreek Parse the Greek up command..
Method parsewithcommand Parse the command type once we have the command.
Class Variable commandmap Undocumented
Class Variable start Undocumented
Class Variable types Undocumented
Instance Variable output Undocumented

Inherited from FormulaBit (via ParameterFunction, CommandBit, FormulaCommand):

Method __init__ The formula bit type can be 'alpha', 'number', 'font'.
Method __unicode__ Get a string representation
Method add Add any kind of formula bit already processed
Method clone Return a copy of itself.
Method computesize Compute the size of the bit as the max of the sizes of all contents.
Method setfactory Set the internal formula factory.
Method skiporiginal Skip a string and add it to the original formula
Class Variable original Undocumented
Class Variable type Undocumented
Instance Variable factory Undocumented

Inherited from Container (via ParameterFunction, CommandBit, FormulaCommand, FormulaBit):

Method escape Escape a line with replacements from elyxer.a map
Method escapeall Escape all lines in an array according to the output options.
Method escapeentities Escape all Unicode characters to HTML entities.
Method extracttext Extract all text from elyxer.allowed containers.
Method gethtml Get the resulting HTML
Method getparameter Get the value of a parameter, if present.
Method getparameterlist Get the value of a comma-separated parameter as a list.
Method group Group some adjoining elements into a group
Method hasemptyoutput Check if the parent's output is empty.
Method locateprocess Search for all embedded containers and process them
Method process Process contents
Method recursivesearch Perform a recursive search in the container.
Method remove Remove a container but leave its contents
Method searchall Search for all embedded containers of a given type
Method searchprocess Search for elements of a given type and process them
Method searchremove Search for all containers of a type and remove them
Method tree Show in a tree
Class Variable begin Undocumented
Class Variable parent Undocumented
Class Variable partkey Undocumented
def computehybridsize(self): (source)

Compute the size of the hybrid function.

def parsebit(self, pos): (source)

Parse a function with [] and {} parameters

def readtag(self, pos): (source)

Get the tag corresponding to the given index. Does parameter substitution.

def writebracket(self, direction, character): (source)

Return a new bracket looking at the given direction.

def writefunction(self, pos): (source)

Write a single function f0,...,fn.

def writeparam(self, pos): (source)

Write a single param of the form $0, $x...

def writeparams(self, writetemplate): (source)

Write all params according to the template

def writepos(self, pos): (source)

Write all params as read in the parse position.