class documentation

class FormulaConstant(Constant): (source)

Constructor: FormulaConstant(string)

View In Hierarchy

A constant string in a formula

Method __init__ Set the constant string
Method __unicode__ Return a printable representation.
Method clone Return a copy of itself.
Method computesize Compute the size of the constant: always 1.
Instance Variable original Undocumented
Instance Variable size Undocumented
Instance Variable type Undocumented

Inherited from Constant:

Instance Variable contents Undocumented
Instance Variable output Undocumented
Instance Variable string Undocumented

Inherited from StringContainer (via Constant):

Method changeline Undocumented
Method extracttext Return all text.
Method process Replace special chars from elyxer.the contents.
Method replacespecial Replace all special chars from elyxer.a line
Instance Variable parsed Undocumented
Instance Variable parser Undocumented

Inherited from Container (via Constant, StringContainer):

Method escape Escape a line with replacements from elyxer.a map
Method escapeall Escape all lines in an array according to the output options.
Method escapeentities Escape all Unicode characters to HTML entities.
Method gethtml Get the resulting HTML
Method getparameter Get the value of a parameter, if present.
Method getparameterlist Get the value of a comma-separated parameter as a list.
Method group Group some adjoining elements into a group
Method hasemptyoutput Check if the parent's output is empty.
Method locateprocess Search for all embedded containers and process them
Method recursivesearch Perform a recursive search in the container.
Method remove Remove a container but leave its contents
Method searchall Search for all embedded containers of a given type
Method searchprocess Search for elements of a given type and process them
Method searchremove Search for all containers of a type and remove them
Method tree Show in a tree
Class Variable begin Undocumented
Class Variable parent Undocumented
Class Variable partkey Undocumented
def __init__(self, string): (source)

Set the constant string

def __unicode__(self): (source)

Return a printable representation.

def clone(self): (source)

Return a copy of itself.

def computesize(self): (source)

Compute the size of the constant: always 1.

original = (source)


size: int = (source)

