class documentation
class ChapteredGenerator(NumberGenerator): (source)
Generate chaptered numbers, as in Chapter.Number.
Method | generate |
Generate a number which goes with first-level numbers (chapters). |
Inherited from NumberGenerator
Method | create |
Create a counter for the given type. |
Method | createdependent |
Create a dependent counter given the master. |
Method | deasterisk |
Remove the possible asterisk in a layout type. |
Method | getcounter |
Get the counter for the given type. |
Method | getdependentcounter |
Get (or create) a counter of the given type that depends on another. |
Method | getlevel |
Get the level that corresponds to a layout type. |
Method | getparttype |
Obtain the type for the part: without the asterisk, |
Method | isinordered |
Find out if the layout type corresponds to an (un)ordered part. |
Method | isnumbered |
Find out if the type for a layout corresponds to a numbered layout. |
Method | isroman |
Find out if the layout type should have roman numeration. |
Method | isunique |
Find out if the layout type corresponds to a unique part. |
Method | isunordered |
Find out if the type contains an asterisk, basically. |
Method | startappendix |
Start appendices here. |
Class Variable | appendix |
Undocumented |
Class Variable | chaptered |
Undocumented |
Class Variable | counters |
Undocumented |
Class Variable | generator |
Undocumented |
Class Variable | orderedlayouts |
Undocumented |
Class Variable | romanlayouts |
Undocumented |