module documentation

Convert LaTex math code into presentational MathML

Class math Base class for MathML elements.
Class mfenced Undocumented
Class mfrac Undocumented
Class mi Undocumented
Class mn Undocumented
Class mo Undocumented
Class mover Undocumented
Class mroot Undocumented
Class mrow Undocumented
Class mspace Undocumented
Class msqrt Undocumented
Class mstyle Undocumented
Class msub Undocumented
Class msubsup Undocumented
Class msup Undocumented
Class mtable Undocumented
Class mtd Undocumented
Class mtext Undocumented
Class mtr Undocumented
Class munder Undocumented
Class munderover Undocumented
Class mx Base class for mo, mi, and mn
Function handle_keyword Undocumented
Function parse_latex_math parse_latex_math(string [,inline]) -> MathML-tree
Function tex2mathml Return string with MathML code corresponding to tex_math.
Variable functions Undocumented
Variable Greek Undocumented
Variable mathbb Undocumented
Variable mathscr Undocumented
Variable negatables Undocumented
Variable over Undocumented
Variable sumintprod Undocumented
def handle_keyword(name, node, string): (source)


def parse_latex_math(string, inline=True): (source)

parse_latex_math(string [,inline]) -> MathML-tree

Returns a MathML-tree parsed from string. inline=True is for inline math and inline=False is for displayed math.

tree is the whole tree and node is the current element.

def tex2mathml(tex_math, inline=True): (source)

Return string with MathML code corresponding to tex_math.

`inline`=True is for inline math and `inline`=False for displayed math.

functions: list[str] = (source)


Greek: dict[str, str] = (source)


mathbb: dict[str, str] = (source)


mathscr: dict[str, str] = (source)


negatables: dict[str, str] = (source)


over: dict[str, str] = (source)


sumintprod = (source)
