class documentation

Given the following document as input:

        <substitution_reference refname="biohazard">
         symbol is deservedly scary-looking.
    <substitution_definition name="biohazard">
        <image alt="biohazard" uri="biohazard.png">

The substitution_reference will simply be replaced by the contents of the corresponding substitution_definition.

The transformed result will be:

        <image alt="biohazard" uri="biohazard.png">
         symbol is deservedly scary-looking.
    <substitution_definition name="biohazard">
        <image alt="biohazard" uri="biohazard.png">
Method apply Override to apply the transform to the document tree.
Class Variable default_priority The Substitutions transform has to be applied very early, before docutils.tranforms.frontmatter.DocTitle and others.

Inherited from Transform:

Method __init__ Initial setup for in-place document transforms.
Instance Variable document The document tree to transform.
Instance Variable language Language module local to this document.
Instance Variable startnode Node from which to begin the transform. For many transforms which apply to the document as a whole, startnode is not set (i.e. its value is None).
def apply(self): (source)

Override to apply the transform to the document tree.

default_priority: int = (source)

The Substitutions transform has to be applied very early, before docutils.tranforms.frontmatter.DocTitle and others.