class documentation

class IndirectHyperlinks(Transform): (source)

View In Hierarchy

  1. Indirect external references:

        <reference refname="indirect external">
            indirect external
    <target id="id1" name="direct external"
    <target id="id2" name="indirect external"
        refname="direct external">

    The "refuri" attribute is migrated back to all indirect targets from the final direct target (i.e. a target not referring to another indirect target):

        <reference refname="indirect external">
            indirect external
    <target id="id1" name="direct external"
    <target id="id2" name="indirect external"

    Once the attribute is migrated, the preexisting "refname" attribute is dropped.

  2. Indirect internal references:

    <target id="id1" name="final target">
        <reference refname="indirect internal">
            indirect internal
    <target id="id2" name="indirect internal 2"
        refname="final target">
    <target id="id3" name="indirect internal"
        refname="indirect internal 2">

    Targets which indirectly refer to an internal target become one-hop indirect (their "refid" attributes are directly set to the internal target's "id"). References which indirectly refer to an internal target become direct internal references:

    <target id="id1" name="final target">
        <reference refid="id1">
            indirect internal
    <target id="id2" name="indirect internal 2" refid="id1">
    <target id="id3" name="indirect internal" refid="id1">
Method apply Override to apply the transform to the document tree.
Method circular​_indirect​_reference Undocumented
Method indirect​_target​_error Undocumented
Method nonexistent​_indirect​_target Undocumented
Method resolve​_indirect​_references Undocumented
Method resolve​_indirect​_target Undocumented
Class Variable default​_priority Numerical priority of this transform, 0 through 999 (override).

Inherited from Transform:

Method __init__ Initial setup for in-place document transforms.
Instance Variable document The document tree to transform.
Instance Variable language Language module local to this document.
Instance Variable startnode Node from which to begin the transform. For many transforms which apply to the document as a whole, startnode is not set (i.e. its value is None).
def apply(self): (source)
Override to apply the transform to the document tree.
def circular_indirect_reference(self, target): (source)


def indirect_target_error(self, target, explanation): (source)


def nonexistent_indirect_target(self, target): (source)


def resolve_indirect_references(self, target): (source)


def resolve_indirect_target(self, target): (source)


default_priority: int = (source)
Numerical priority of this transform, 0 through 999 (override).