Indirect external references:
<paragraph> <reference refname="indirect external"> indirect external <target id="id1" name="direct external" refuri="http://indirect"> <target id="id2" name="indirect external" refname="direct external">
The "refuri" attribute is migrated back to all indirect targets from the final direct target (i.e. a target not referring to another indirect target):
<paragraph> <reference refname="indirect external"> indirect external <target id="id1" name="direct external" refuri="http://indirect"> <target id="id2" name="indirect external" refuri="http://indirect">
Once the attribute is migrated, the preexisting "refname" attribute is dropped.
Indirect internal references:
<target id="id1" name="final target"> <paragraph> <reference refname="indirect internal"> indirect internal <target id="id2" name="indirect internal 2" refname="final target"> <target id="id3" name="indirect internal" refname="indirect internal 2">
Targets which indirectly refer to an internal target become one-hop indirect (their "refid" attributes are directly set to the internal target's "id"). References which indirectly refer to an internal target become direct internal references:
<target id="id1" name="final target"> <paragraph> <reference refid="id1"> indirect internal <target id="id2" name="indirect internal 2" refid="id1"> <target id="id3" name="indirect internal" refid="id1">
Method | apply |
Override to apply the transform to the document tree. |
Method | circular_indirect_reference |
Undocumented |
Method | indirect_target_error |
Undocumented |
Method | nonexistent_indirect_target |
Undocumented |
Method | resolve_indirect_references |
Undocumented |
Method | resolve_indirect_target |
Undocumented |
Class Variable | default_priority |
Numerical priority of this transform, 0 through 999 (override). |
Inherited from Transform
Method | __init__ |
Initial setup for in-place document transforms. |
Instance Variable | document |
The document tree to transform. |
Instance Variable | language |
Language module local to this document. |
Instance Variable | startnode |
Node from which to begin the transform. For many transforms which apply to the document as a whole, startnode is not set (i.e. its value is None ). |