Assign numbers to autonumbered footnotes, and resolve links to footnotes, citations, and their references.
Given the following document as input:
<document> <paragraph> A labeled autonumbered footnote referece: <footnote_reference auto="1" id="id1" refname="footnote"> <paragraph> An unlabeled autonumbered footnote referece: <footnote_reference auto="1" id="id2"> <footnote auto="1" id="id3"> <paragraph> Unlabeled autonumbered footnote. <footnote auto="1" id="footnote" name="footnote"> <paragraph> Labeled autonumbered footnote.
Auto-numbered footnotes have attribute auto="1" and no label. Auto-numbered footnote_references have no reference text (they're empty elements). When resolving the numbering, a label element is added to the beginning of the footnote, and reference text to the footnote_reference.
The transformed result will be:
<document> <paragraph> A labeled autonumbered footnote referece: <footnote_reference auto="1" id="id1" refid="footnote"> 2 <paragraph> An unlabeled autonumbered footnote referece: <footnote_reference auto="1" id="id2" refid="id3"> 1 <footnote auto="1" id="id3" backrefs="id2"> <label> 1 <paragraph> Unlabeled autonumbered footnote. <footnote auto="1" id="footnote" name="footnote" backrefs="id1"> <label> 2 <paragraph> Labeled autonumbered footnote.
Note that the footnotes are not in the same order as the references.
The labels and reference text are added to the auto-numbered footnote and footnote_reference elements. Footnote elements are backlinked to their references via "refids" attributes. References are assigned "id" and "refid" attributes.
After adding labels and reference text, the "auto" attributes can be ignored.
Method | apply |
Override to apply the transform to the document tree. |
Method | number |
Assign numbers to autonumbered footnote references. |
Method | number |
Assign numbers to autonumbered footnotes. |
Method | resolve |
Link manually-labeled footnotes and citations to/from their references. |
Method | resolve |
Undocumented |
Method | symbolize |
Add symbols indexes to "[*]"-style footnotes and references. |
Class Variable | default |
Numerical priority of this transform, 0 through 999 (override). |
Class Variable | symbols |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | autofootnote |
Keep track of unlabeled autonumbered footnotes. |
Inherited from Transform
Method | __init__ |
Initial setup for in-place document transforms. |
Instance Variable | document |
The document tree to transform. |
Instance Variable | language |
Language module local to this document. |
Instance Variable | startnode |
Node from which to begin the transform. For many transforms which apply to the document as a whole, startnode is not set (i.e. its value is None ). |
Assign numbers to autonumbered footnotes.
For labeled autonumbered footnotes, copy the number over to corresponding footnote references.