module documentation

Resource limiting policies.
See Also
See also twisted.protocols.htb for rate limiting.
Class ​Limit​Connections​By​Peer Undocumented
Class ​Limit​Total​Connections​Factory Factory that limits the number of simultaneous connections.
Class ​Protocol​Wrapper Wraps protocol instances and acts as their transport as well.
Class ​Spewing​Factory Undocumented
Class ​Spewing​Protocol Undocumented
Class ​Throttling​Factory Throttles bandwidth and number of connections.
Class ​Throttling​Protocol Protocol for ThrottlingFactory.
Class ​Timeout​Factory Factory for TimeoutWrapper.
Class ​Timeout​Mixin Mixin for protocols which wish to timeout connections.
Class ​Timeout​Protocol Protocol that automatically disconnects when the connection is idle.
Class ​Traffic​Logging​Factory No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 1/4 method documented
Class ​Traffic​Logging​Protocol No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 1/9 method documented
Class ​Wrapping​Factory Wraps a factory and its protocols, and keeps track of them.
Function _wrapped​Log​Prefix Compute a log prefix for a wrapper and the object it wraps.
def _wrappedLogPrefix(wrapper, wrapped): (source)
Compute a log prefix for a wrapper and the object it wraps.