class documentation

class TimeoutProtocol(ProtocolWrapper): (source)

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Protocol that automatically disconnects when the connection is idle.
Method __init__ Constructor.
Method cancel​Timeout Cancel the timeout.
Method connection​Lost Undocumented
Method data​Received Undocumented
Method reset​Timeout Reset the timeout, usually because some activity just happened.
Method set​Timeout Set a timeout.
Method timeout​Func This method is called when the timeout is triggered.
Method write Undocumented
Method write​Sequence Undocumented
Instance Variable timeout​Call Undocumented
Instance Variable timeout​Period Undocumented

Inherited from ProtocolWrapper:

Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method get​Host Undocumented
Method get​Peer Undocumented
Method log​Prefix Use a customized log prefix mentioning both the wrapped protocol and the current one.
Method lose​Connection Undocumented
Method make​Connection When a connection is made, register this wrapper with its factory, save the real transport, and connect the wrapped protocol to this ProtocolWrapper to intercept any transport calls it makes.
Method register​Producer Undocumented
Method stop​Consuming Undocumented
Method unregister​Producer Undocumented
Instance Variable disconnecting Undocumented
Instance Variable factory The WrappingFactory which created this ProtocolWrapper.
Instance Variable wrapped​Protocol An IProtocol provider to which IProtocol method calls onto this ProtocolWrapper will be proxied.
def __init__(self, factory, wrappedProtocol, timeoutPeriod): (source)
factoryAn TimeoutFactory.
wrapped​ProtocolA Protocol to wrapp.
timeout​PeriodNumber of seconds to wait for activity before timing out.
def cancelTimeout(self): (source)

Cancel the timeout.

If the timeout was already cancelled, this does nothing.

def connectionLost(self, reason): (source)
def dataReceived(self, data): (source)
def resetTimeout(self): (source)
Reset the timeout, usually because some activity just happened.
def setTimeout(self, timeoutPeriod=None): (source)

Set a timeout.

This will cancel any existing timeouts.

timeout​PeriodIf not None, change the timeout period. Otherwise, use the existing value.
def timeoutFunc(self): (source)

This method is called when the timeout is triggered.

By default it calls loseConnection. Override this if you want something else to happen.

def write(self, data): (source)
def writeSequence(self, seq): (source)
timeoutCall = (source)


timeoutPeriod = (source)
