class documentation

class UNIXChecker: (source)

Implements interfaces: twisted.cred.checkers.ICredentialsChecker

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A credentials checker for a UNIX server. This will check that an authenticating username/password is a valid user on the system.

Does not work on Windows.

Right now this supports Python's pwd and spwd modules, if they are installed. It does not support PAM.

Method check​Pwd Obtain the encrypted password for username from the Unix password database using pwd.getpwnam, and see if it it matches it matches password.
Method check​Spwd Obtain the encrypted password for username from the Unix shadow password database using spwd.getspnam, and see if it it matches it matches password.
Method request​Avatar​Id Validate credentials and produce an avatar ID.
Class Variable credential​Interfaces A list of sub-interfaces of ICredentials which specifies which I may check.
def checkPwd(self, pwd, username, password): (source)
Obtain the encrypted password for username from the Unix password database using pwd.getpwnam, and see if it it matches it matches password.
pwd:moduleModule which provides functions which access to the Unix password database.
username:unicode/str or bytesThe user to look up in the Unix password database.
passwordThe password to compare.
def checkSpwd(self, spwd, username, password): (source)
Obtain the encrypted password for username from the Unix shadow password database using spwd.getspnam, and see if it it matches it matches password.
spwd:moduleModule which provides functions which access to the Unix shadow password database.
username:unicode/str or bytesThe user to look up in the Unix password database.
passwordThe password to compare.
def requestAvatarId(self, credentials): (source)
Validate credentials and produce an avatar ID.
credentialssomething which implements one of the interfaces in credentialInterfaces.
a Deferred which will fire with a bytes that identifies an avatar, an empty tuple to specify an authenticated anonymous user (provided as twisted.cred.checkers.ANONYMOUS) or fail with UnauthorizedLogin. Alternatively, return the result itself.
See Also
credentialInterfaces = (source)
A list of sub-interfaces of ICredentials which specifies which I may check.