package documentation

Plugins for services implemented in Twisted.

Plugins go in directories on your PYTHONPATH named twisted/plugins: this is the only place where an is necessary, thanks to the __path__ variable.

Jp Calderone
Glyph Lefkowitz
Module cred​_anonymous Cred plugin for anonymous logins.
Module cred​_file Cred plugin for a file of the format 'username:password'.
Module cred​_memory Cred plugin for an in-memory user database.
Module cred​_sshkeys Cred plugin for ssh key login.
Module cred​_unix Cred plugin for UNIX user accounts.
Module twisted​_conch Undocumented
Module twisted​_core Undocumented
Module twisted​_ftp Undocumented
Module twisted​_inet Undocumented
Module twisted​_mail Undocumented
Module twisted​_names Undocumented
Module twisted​_portforward Undocumented
Module twisted​_reactors Undocumented
Module twisted​_runner Undocumented
Module twisted​_socks Undocumented
Module twisted​_trial Undocumented
Module twisted​_web Undocumented
Module twisted​_words Undocumented