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module documentation

This module provides support for Twisted to interact with the glib/gtk2 mainloop.

In order to use this support, simply do the following:

    from twisted.internet import gtk2reactor

Then use twisted.internet APIs as usual. The other methods here are not intended to be called directly.

Class ​Gtk2​Reactor PyGTK+ 2 event loop reactor.
Class ​Portable​Gtk​Reactor Reactor that works on Windows.
Function install Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop.
Function portable​Install Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop.
def install(useGtk=True): (source)
Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop.
use​Gtkshould glib rather than GTK+ event loop be used (this will be slightly faster but does not support GUI).
def portableInstall(useGtk=True): (source)
Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop.