class documentation

class Tag: (source)

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A Tag represents an XML tags with a tag name, attributes, and children. A Tag can be constructed using the special twisted.web.template.tags object, or it may be constructed directly with a tag name. Tags have a special method, __call__, which makes representing trees of XML natural using pure python syntax.
Method __call__ Add children and change attributes on this tag.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method clear Clear any existing children from this tag.
Method clone Return a clone of this tag. If deep is True, clone all of this tag's children. Otherwise, just shallow copy the children list without copying the children themselves.
Method fill​Slots Remember the slots provided at this position in the DOM.
Instance Variable attributes The attributes of the element.
Instance Variable children The child Tags of this Tag.
Instance Variable column​Number The column number at which this tag was encountered in the XML file from which it was parsed. If it was not parsed from an XML file, None.
Instance Variable filename The name of the XML file from which this tag was parsed. If it was not parsed from an XML file, None.
Instance Variable line​Number The line number on which this tag was encountered in the XML file from which it was parsed. If it was not parsed from an XML file, None.
Instance Variable render The name of the render method to use for this Tag. This name will be looked up at render time by the twisted.web.template.Element doing the rendering, via twisted.web.template.Element.lookupRenderMethod, to determine which method to call.
Instance Variable slot​Data The data which can fill slots. If present, a dictionary mapping slot names to renderable values. The values in this dict might be anything that can be present as the child of a Tag; strings, lists, Tags, generators, etc.
Instance Variable tag​Name The name of the represented element. For a tag like <div></div>, this would be "div".
Method _clone Clone an arbitrary object; used by Tag.clone.
def __call__(self, *children, **kw): (source)

Add children and change attributes on this tag.

This is implemented using __call__ because it then allows the natural syntax:

  table(tr1, tr2, width="100%", height="50%", border="1")

Children may be other tag instances, strings, functions, or any other object which has a registered flatten.

Attributes may be 'transparent' tag instances (so that a(href=transparent(data="foo", render=myhrefrenderer)) works), strings, functions, or any other object which has a registered flattener.

If the attribute is a python keyword, such as 'class', you can add an underscore to the name, like 'class_'.

There is one special keyword argument, 'render', which will be used as the name of the renderer and saved as the 'render' attribute of this instance, rather than the DOM 'render' attribute in the attributes dictionary.

def __init__(self, tagName, attributes=None, children=None, render=None, filename=None, lineNumber=None, columnNumber=None): (source)


def __repr__(self): (source)


def clear(self): (source)
Clear any existing children from this tag.
def clone(self, deep=True): (source)
Return a clone of this tag. If deep is True, clone all of this tag's children. Otherwise, just shallow copy the children list without copying the children themselves.
def fillSlots(self, **slots): (source)

Remember the slots provided at this position in the DOM.

During the rendering of children of this node, slots with names in slots will be rendered as their corresponding values.

self. This enables the idiom return tag.fillSlots(...) in renderers.
attributes: dict mapping str to renderable objects. = (source)
The attributes of the element.
children: list of renderable objects. = (source)
The child Tags of this Tag.
columnNumber: int or None = (source)
The column number at which this tag was encountered in the XML file from which it was parsed. If it was not parsed from an XML file, None.
filename: str or None = (source)
The name of the XML file from which this tag was parsed. If it was not parsed from an XML file, None.
lineNumber: int or None = (source)
The line number on which this tag was encountered in the XML file from which it was parsed. If it was not parsed from an XML file, None.
render: str = (source)
The name of the render method to use for this Tag. This name will be looked up at render time by the twisted.web.template.Element doing the rendering, via twisted.web.template.Element.lookupRenderMethod, to determine which method to call.
slotData: dict or None = (source)
The data which can fill slots. If present, a dictionary mapping slot names to renderable values. The values in this dict might be anything that can be present as the child of a Tag; strings, lists, Tags, generators, etc.
tagName: str = (source)
The name of the represented element. For a tag like <div></div>, this would be "div".
def _clone(self, obj, deep): (source)
Clone an arbitrary object; used by Tag.clone.
objan object with a clone method, a list or tuple, or something which should be immutable.
deepwhether to continue cloning child objects; i.e. the contents of lists, the sub-tags within a tag.
a clone of obj.