module documentation

This is a web server which integrates with the twisted.internet infrastructure.
Class ​Gzip​Encoder​Factory
Class ​Request An HTTP request.
Class ​Session A user's session with a system.
Class ​Site A web site: manage log, sessions, and resources.
Function quote Undocumented
Constant NOT​_DONE​_YET A token value which twisted.web.resource.IResource.render implementations can return to indicate that the application will later call .write and .finish to complete the request, and that the HTTP connection should be left open.
Variable supported​Methods Undocumented
Variable version Undocumented
Class _​Gzip​Encoder An encoder which supports gzip.
Class _​Remote​Producer​Wrapper Undocumented
Function _address​To​Tuple Undocumented
def quote(string, *args, **kwargs): (source)


NOT_DONE_YET: Opaque; do not depend on any particular type for this value. = (source)
A token value which twisted.web.resource.IResource.render implementations can return to indicate that the application will later call .write and .finish to complete the request, and that the HTTP connection should be left open.
supportedMethods: tuple[bytes, ...] = (source)


version = (source)


def _addressToTuple(addr): (source)
