class documentation

class Request: (source)

Implements interfaces: twisted.web.iweb.IClientRequest

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A Request instance describes an HTTP request to be sent to an HTTP server.
Method __init__
Method stop​Writing No summary
Method write​To Format this Request as an HTTP/1.1 request and write it to the given transport. If bodyProducer is not None, it will be associated with an IConsumer.
Instance Variable body​Producer See __init__.
Instance Variable headers See __init__.
Instance Variable method See __init__.
Instance Variable persistent See __init__.
Instance Variable uri See __init__.
Property absolute​URI The absolute URI of the request as bytes, or None if the absolute URI cannot be determined.
Class Method _construct Private constructor.
Method _write​Headers Undocumented
Method _write​To​Body​Producer​Chunked Write this request to the given transport using chunked transfer-encoding to frame the body.
Method _write​To​Body​Producer​Content​Length Write this request to the given transport using content-length to frame the body.
Method _write​To​Empty​Body​Content​Length Write this request to the given transport using content-length to frame the (empty) body.
Class Variable _log Undocumented
Instance Variable _parsed​URI Parsed URI for the request, or None.
def __init__(self, method, uri, headers, bodyProducer, persistent=False): (source)
method:bytesThe HTTP method for this request, ex: b'GET', b'HEAD', b'POST', etc.
uri:bytesThe relative URI of the resource to request. For example, b'/foo/bar?baz=quux'.
headers:twisted.web.http_headers.HeadersHeaders to be sent to the server. It is important to note that this object does not create any implicit headers. So it is up to the HTTP Client to add required headers such as 'Host'.
body​ProducerNone or an IBodyProducer provider which produces the content body to send to the remote HTTP server.
persistent:boolSet to True when you use HTTP persistent connection, defaults to False.
def stopWriting(self): (source)
Stop writing this request to the transport. This can only be called after writeTo and before the Deferred returned by writeTo fires. It should cancel any asynchronous task started by writeTo. The Deferred returned by writeTo need not be fired if this method is called.
def writeTo(self, transport): (source)
Format this Request as an HTTP/1.1 request and write it to the given transport. If bodyProducer is not None, it will be associated with an IConsumer.
transport:twisted.internet.interfaces.ITransport providerThe transport to which to write.
A Deferred which fires with None when the request has been completely written to the transport or with a Failure if there is any problem generating the request bytes.
bodyProducer = (source)
See __init__.
persistent = (source)
See __init__.
absoluteURI = (source)
The absolute URI of the request as bytes, or None if the absolute URI cannot be determined.
def _construct(cls, method, uri, headers, bodyProducer, persistent=False, parsedURI=None): (source)
Private constructor.
methodSee __init__.
uriSee __init__.
headersSee __init__.
body​ProducerSee __init__.
persistentSee __init__.
parsed​URISee Request._parsedURI.
Request instance.
def _writeHeaders(self, transport, TEorCL): (source)


def _writeToBodyProducerChunked(self, transport): (source)
Write this request to the given transport using chunked transfer-encoding to frame the body.
transportSee writeTo.
See writeTo.
def _writeToBodyProducerContentLength(self, transport): (source)
Write this request to the given transport using content-length to frame the body.
transportSee writeTo.
See writeTo.
def _writeToEmptyBodyContentLength(self, transport): (source)
Write this request to the given transport using content-length to frame the (empty) body.
transportSee writeTo.
See writeTo.
_log = (source)


Parsed URI for the request, or None.