class H2Connection(Protocol, TimeoutMixin): (source)
Implements interfaces: twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocol
, twisted.internet.interfaces.IPushProducer
A class representing a single HTTP/2 connection.
This implementation of IProtocol
works hand in hand with H2Stream
. This is because we have the requirement to register multiple producers for a single HTTP/2 connection, one for each stream. The standard Twisted interfaces don't really allow for this, so instead there's a custom interface between the two objects that allows them to work hand-in-hand here.
Method | __init__ |
Undocumented |
Method | abortRequest |
Called by H2Stream objects to request early termination of a stream. This emits a RstStream frame and then removes all stream state. |
Method | connectionLost |
Called when the transport connection is lost. |
Method | connectionMade |
Called by the reactor when a connection is received. May also be called by the twisted.web.http._GenericHTTPChannelProtocol during upgrade to HTTP/2. |
Method | dataReceived |
Called whenever a chunk of data is received from the transport. |
Method | endRequest |
Called by H2Stream objects to signal completion of a response. |
Method | forceAbortClient |
No summary |
Method | getHost |
Similar to getPeer, but returns an address describing this side of the connection. |
Method | getPeer |
Get the remote address of this connection. |
Method | openStreamWindow |
Open the stream window by a given increment. |
Method | pauseProducing |
Pause producing data. |
Method | remainingOutboundWindow |
Called to determine how much room is left in the send window for a given stream. Allows us to handle blocking and unblocking producers. |
Method | resumeProducing |
Resume producing data. |
Method | stopProducing |
Stop producing data. |
Method | timeoutConnection |
No summary |
Method | writeDataToStream |
May be called by H2Stream objects to write response data to a given stream. Writes a single data frame. |
Method | writeHeaders |
Called by twisted.web.http.Request objects to write a complete set of HTTP headers to a stream. |
Class Variable | factory |
Undocumented |
Class Variable | site |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | abortTimeout |
The number of seconds to wait after we attempt to shut the transport down cleanly to give up and forcibly terminate it. This is only used when we time a connection out, to prevent errors causing the FD to get leaked. If this is None , we will wait forever. |
Instance Variable | conn |
The HTTP/2 connection state machine. |
Instance Variable | priority |
A HTTP/2 priority tree used to ensure that responses are prioritised appropriately. |
Instance Variable | streams |
A mapping of stream IDs to H2Stream objects, used to call specific methods on streams when events occur. |
Method | _flushBufferedControlData |
Called when the connection is marked writable again after being marked unwritable. Attempts to flush buffered control data if there is any. |
Method | _handlePriorityUpdate |
Internal handler for when a stream priority is updated. |
Method | _handleWindowUpdate |
Manage flow control windows. |
Method | _isSecure |
Returns True if this channel is using a secure transport. |
Method | _requestAborted |
Internal handler for when a request is aborted by a remote peer. |
Method | _requestDataReceived |
Internal handler for when a chunk of data is received for a given request. |
Method | _requestDone |
Called internally by the data sending loop to clean up state that was being used for the stream. Called when the stream is complete. |
Method | _requestEnded |
Internal handler for when a request is complete, and we expect no further data for that request. |
Method | _requestReceived |
Internal handler for when a request has been received. |
Method | _respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect |
This is a quick and dirty way of responding to bad requests. |
Method | _send100Continue |
Sends a 100 Continue response, used to signal to clients that further processing will be performed. |
Method | _sendPrioritisedData |
The data sending loop. This function repeatedly calls itself, either from Deferred s or from reactor.callLater |
Method | _streamIsActive |
Checks whether Twisted has still got state for a given stream and so can process events for that stream. |
Method | _tryToWriteControlData |
Checks whether the connection is blocked on flow control and, if it isn't, writes any buffered control data. |
Class Variable | _log |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _abortingCall |
The twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall that will be used to forcibly close the transport if it doesn't close cleanly. |
Instance Variable | _bufferedControlFrameBytes |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _bufferedControlFrames |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _consumerBlocked |
A flag tracking whether or not the IConsumer that is consuming this data has asked us to stop producing. |
Instance Variable | _maxBufferedControlFrameBytes |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _outboundStreamQueues |
A map of stream IDs to queues, used to store data blocks that are yet to be sent on the connection. These are used both to handle producers that do not respect IConsumer but also to allow priority to multiplex data appropriately. |
Instance Variable | _reactor |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _sender |
A handle to the data-sending loop, allowing it to be terminated if needed. |
Instance Variable | _sendingDeferred |
A Deferred used to restart the data-sending loop when more response data has been produced. Will not be present if there is outstanding data still to send. |
Instance Variable | _stillProducing |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _streamCleanupCallbacks |
Undocumented |
Inherited from Protocol
Method | logPrefix |
Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance. |
Inherited from BaseProtocol
(via Protocol
Method | makeConnection |
Make a connection to a transport and a server. |
Instance Variable | connected |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | transport |
Undocumented |
Inherited from TimeoutMixin
Method | callLater |
Wrapper around reactor.callLater for test purpose. |
Method | resetTimeout |
Reset the timeout count down. |
Method | setTimeout |
Change the timeout period |
Instance Variable | timeOut |
The number of seconds after which to timeout the connection. |
Method | __timedOut |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | __timeoutCall |
Undocumented |
Called when the transport connection is lost.
Informs all outstanding response handlers that the connection has been lost, and cleans up all internal state.
Parameters | |
reason | See IProtocol.connectionLost |
_cancelTimeouts | Propagate the reason to this connection's streams but don't cancel any timers, so that peers who never read the data we've written are eventually timed out. |
during upgrade to HTTP/2.Parameters | |
data:bytes | The data received from the transport. |
Returns | |
An IAddress provider. |
Get the remote address of this connection.
Treat this method with caution. It is the unfortunate result of the CGI and Jabber standards, but should not be considered reliable for the usual host of reasons; port forwarding, proxying, firewalls, IP masquerading, etc.
Returns | |
An IAddress provider. |
Pause producing data.
Tells the H2Connection
that it has produced too much data to process for the time being, and to stop until resumeProducing() is called.
Parameters | |
streamID:int | The ID of the stream whose flow control window we'll check. |
Returns | |
int | The amount of room remaining in the send window for the given stream, including the data queued to be sent. |
Resume producing data.
This tells the H2Connection
to re-add itself to the main loop and produce more data for the consumer.
Stop producing data.
This tells the H2Connection
that its consumer has died, so it must stop producing data for good.
Called when the connection has been inactive for self.timeOut
seconds. Cleanly tears the connection down, attempting to notify the peer if needed.
We override this method to add two extra bits of functionality:
objects to write a complete set of HTTP headers to a stream.Parameters | |
version:bytes | The HTTP version in use. Unused in HTTP/2. |
code:bytes | The HTTP status code to write. |
reason:bytes | The HTTP reason phrase to write. Unused in HTTP/2. |
headers:twisted.web.http_headers.Headers | The headers to write to the stream. |
streamID:int | The ID of the stream to write the headers to. |
, we will wait forever.H2Stream
objects, used to call specific methods on streams when events occur.Parameters | | | The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the stream reprioritization. |
Manage flow control windows.
Streams that are blocked on flow control will register themselves with the connection. This will fire deferreds that wake those streams up and allow them to continue processing.
Parameters | | | The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the flow control window change. |
Parameters | | | The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the reset stream. |
Parameters | | | The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the received data. |
Parameters | |
streamID:int | The ID of the stream to clean up state for. |
Parameters | | | The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the completed stream. |
Parameters | | | The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the received request. |
This is a quick and dirty way of responding to bad requests.
As described by HTTP standard we should be patient and accept the whole request from the client before sending a polite bad request response, even in the case when clients send tons of data.
Unlike in the HTTP/1.1 case, this does not actually disconnect the underlying transport: there's no need. This instead just sends a 400 response and terminates the stream.
Parameters | |
streamID:int | The ID of the stream that needs the 100 Continue response |
Parameters | |
streamID:int | The ID of the stream that needs the 100 Continue response |
The data sending loop. This function repeatedly calls itself, either from Deferred
s or from reactor.callLater
This function sends data on streams according to the rules of HTTP/2 priority. It ensures that the data from each stream is interleved according to the priority signalled by the client, making sure that the connection is used with maximal efficiency.
This function will execute if data is available: if all data is exhausted, the function will place a deferred onto the H2Connection
object and wait until it is called to resume executing.
that will be used to forcibly close the transport if it doesn't close cleanly.IConsumer
that is consuming this data has asked us to stop producing.dict
mapping int
stream IDs to collections.deque
queues, which contain either bytes
objects or _END_STREAM_SENTINEL. =
but also to allow priority to multiplex data appropriately.