class documentation

class Expose: (source)

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Helper for exposing methods for various uses using a simple decorator-style callable.

Instances of this class can be called with one or more functions as positional arguments. The names of these functions will be added to a list on the class object of which they are methods.

Method __call__ Add one or more functions to the set of exposed functions.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get Retrieve an exposed method with the given name from the given instance.
Instance Variable attribute​Name The attribute with which exposed methods will be tracked.
Instance Variable doc Undocumented
Class Method _with​Documentation No summary
Class Variable _nodefault Undocumented
def __call__(self, *funcObjs): (source)

Add one or more functions to the set of exposed functions.

This is a way to declare something about a class definition, similar to zope.interface.implementer. Use it like this:

    magic = Expose('perform extra magic')
    class Foo(Bar):
        def twiddle(self, x, y):
        def frob(self, a, b):
        magic(twiddle, frob)

Later you can query the object:

    aFoo = Foo()
    magic.get(aFoo, 'twiddle')(x=1, y=2)

The call to get will fail if the name it is given has not been exposed using magic.

*func​ObjsOne or more function objects which will be exposed to the client.
The first of funcObjs.
def __init__(self, doc=None): (source)


def get(self, instance, methodName, default=_nodefault): (source)
Retrieve an exposed method with the given name from the given instance.
A callable object for the named method assigned to the given instance.
UnexposedMethodErrorRaised if default is not specified and there is no exposed method with the given name.
attributeName = (source)
The attribute with which exposed methods will be tracked.


def _withDocumentation(cls, thunk): (source)
Slight hack to make users of this class appear to have a docstring to documentation generators, by defining them with a decorator. (This hack should be removed when epydoc can be convinced to use some other method for documenting.)
_nodefault = (source)
