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class CopiedFailure(RemoteCopy, failure.Failure): (source)

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A CopiedFailure is a pb.RemoteCopy of a failure.Failure transferred via PB.
Method print​Traceback Emulate Python's standard error reporting mechanism.
Method throw​Exception​Into​Generator No summary
Instance Variable traceback The remote traceback.
Instance Variable type The full import path of the exception class which was raised on the remote end.
Instance Variable value A str() representation of the remote value.

Inherited from RemoteCopy:

Method set​Copyable​State I will be invoked with the state to copy locally.
Method unjelly​For Perform the inverse operation of Jellyable.jellyFor.
Instance Variable __dict__ Undocumented

Inherited from Unjellyable (via RemoteCopy):

Method set​State​For Undocumented

Inherited from Failure:

Method __getstate__ Avoid pickling objects in the traceback.
Method __init__ Initialize me with an explanation of the error.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method check Check if this failure's type is in a predetermined list.
Method clean​Failure Remove references to other objects, replacing them with strings.
Method get​Brief​Traceback Undocumented
Method get​Error​Message Get a string of the exception which caused this Failure.
Method get​Traceback Undocumented
Method get​Traceback​Object Get an object that represents this Failure's stack that can be passed to traceback.extract_tb.
Method print​Brief​Traceback Print a traceback as densely as possible.
Method print​Detailed​Traceback Print a traceback with detailed locals and globals information.
Method raise​Exception raise the original exception, preserving traceback information if available.
Method trap Trap this failure if its type is in a predetermined list.
Class Variable pickled Undocumented
Instance Variable __dict__ Undocumented
Instance Variable capture​Vars Undocumented
Instance Variable count Undocumented
Instance Variable frames list of frames, innermost first.
Instance Variable parents Undocumented
Instance Variable stack list of frames, innermost last, excluding Failure.__init__.
Instance Variable tb Undocumented
Class Method _find​Failure Find the failure that represents the exception currently in context.
Method _extrapolate Extrapolate from one failure into another, copying its stack frames.
Class Variable _yield​Opcode Undocumented
def printTraceback(self, file=None, elideFrameworkCode=0, detail='default'): (source)
Emulate Python's standard error reporting mechanism.
fileIf specified, a file-like object to which to write the traceback.
elide​Framework​CodeA flag indicating whether to attempt to remove uninteresting frames from within Twisted itself from the output.
detailA string indicating how much information to include in the traceback. Must be one of 'brief', 'default', or 'verbose'.
def throwExceptionIntoGenerator(self, g): (source)
Throw the original exception into the given generator, preserving traceback information if available. In the case of a CopiedFailure where the exception type is a string, a pb.RemoteError is thrown instead.
The next value yielded from the generator.
StopIterationIf there are no more values in the generator.
RemoteErrorThe wrapped remote exception.
traceback: str = (source)
The remote traceback.
type: str = (source)
The full import path of the exception class which was raised on the remote end.
value: CopiedFailure or str = (source)
A str() representation of the remote value.