class ZipFileEntry(_FileEntry): (source)
Method | __init__ |
Create a _FileEntry from a ChunkingZipFile . |
Method | read |
Undocumented |
Method | tell |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | finished |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | readBytes |
Undocumented |
Inherited from _FileEntry
Method | __enter__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __exit__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __iter__ |
Returns an iterator (so self) |
Method | __next__ |
Implement next as file does (like readline, except raises StopIteration at EOF) |
Method | close |
Close self (file-like object) |
Method | isatty |
Returns false because zip files should not be ttys |
Method | readline |
Read a line. |
Method | readlines |
Returns a list of all the lines |
Method | xreadlines |
Returns an iterator (so self) |
Instance Variable | chunkingZipFile |
a chunking zip file. |
Instance Variable | closed |
File-like 'closed' attribute; True before this file has been closed, False after. |
Instance Variable | fp |
the underlying file object (that contains pkzip data). Do not touch this, please. It will quite likely move or go away. |
Instance Variable | length |
The number of bytes within the zip file that represent this file. (This is the size on disk, not the number of decompressed bytes which will result from reading it.) |