class documentation

class _ErrorFormatter: (source)

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Formatter for Windows error messages.
Class Method from​Environment Get as many of the platform-specific error translation objects as possible and return an instance of cls created with them.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method format​Error Returns the string associated with a Windows error message, such as the ones found in socket.error.
Instance Variable error​Tab A mapping from integer error numbers to str messages which correspond to those erorrs (like socket.errorTab).
Instance Variable format​Message A callable which takes one integer error number argument and returns a str giving the message for that error (like win32api.FormatMessage).
Instance Variable win​Error A callable which takes one integer error number argument and returns a WindowsError instance for that error (like ctypes.WinError).
def fromEnvironment(cls): (source)
Get as many of the platform-specific error translation objects as possible and return an instance of cls created with them.
def __init__(self, WinError, FormatMessage, errorTab): (source)


def formatError(self, errorcode): (source)

Returns the string associated with a Windows error message, such as the ones found in socket.error.

Attempts direct lookup against the win32 API via ctypes and then pywin32 if available), then in the error table in the socket module, then finally defaulting to os.strerror.

errorcode:intthe Windows error code
strThe error message string
errorTab = (source)
A mapping from integer error numbers to str messages which correspond to those erorrs (like socket.errorTab).
formatMessage = (source)
A callable which takes one integer error number argument and returns a str giving the message for that error (like win32api.FormatMessage).
winError = (source)
A callable which takes one integer error number argument and returns a WindowsError instance for that error (like ctypes.WinError).