class documentation

class CompleteFiles(Completer): (source)

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Completes file names based on a glob pattern
Method __init__
Method _description Undocumented
Method _shell​Code Fetch a fragment of shell code representing this action which is suitable for use by the completion system in
Instance Variable _glob​Pattern Undocumented

Inherited from Completer:

Instance Variable _descr Undocumented
Instance Variable _repeat Undocumented
Property _repeat​Flag Undocumented
def __init__(self, globPattern='*', **kw): (source)
descr:strAn optional descriptive string displayed above matches.
repeat:boolA flag, defaulting to False, indicating whether this Completer should repeat - that is, be used to complete more than one command-line word. This may ONLY be set to True for actions in the extraActions keyword argument to Completions. And ONLY if it is the LAST (or only) action in the extraActions list.
def _description(self, optName): (source)
def _shellCode(self, optName, shellType): (source)
Fetch a fragment of shell code representing this action which is suitable for use by the completion system in
opt​Name:strThe long name of the option this action is being used for.
shell​Type:strOne of the supported shell constants e.g. twisted.python.usage._ZSH
_globPattern = (source)
