class documentation

class SphinxBuilder: (source)

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Generate HTML documentation using Sphinx.

Generates and runs a shell command that looks something like:

    sphinx-build -b html -d [BUILDDIR]/doctrees

where DOCDIR is a directory containing another directory called "source" which contains the Sphinx source files, and BUILDDIR is the directory in which the Sphinx output will be created.

Method build Build the documentation in docDir with Sphinx.
Method main Build the main documentation.
def build(self, docDir, buildDir=None, version=''): (source)
Build the documentation in docDir with Sphinx.
doc​Dir:twisted.python.filepath.FilePathThe directory of the documentation. This is a directory which contains another directory called "source" which contains the Sphinx "" file and sphinx source documents.
build​Dir:twisted.python.filepath.FilePathThe directory to build the documentation in. By default this will be a child directory of {docDir} named "build".
version:strThe version of Twisted to set in the docs.
strthe output produced by running the command
def main(self, args): (source)
Build the main documentation.
args:list of strThe command line arguments to process. This must contain one string argument: the path to the root of a Twisted checkout. Additional arguments will be ignored for compatibility with legacy build infrastructure.