module documentation

Dict client protocol implementation.
Pavel Pergamenshchik
Class ​Definition A word definition
Class ​Dict​Client dict (RFC2229) client
Class ​Dict​Lookup Utility class for a single dict transaction. To be used with DictLookupFactory
Class ​Dict​Lookup​Factory Utility factory for a single dict transaction
Class ​Invalid​Response Undocumented
Function define Look up a word using a dict server
Function make​Atom Munch a string into an 'atom'
Function make​Word Undocumented
Function match Match a word using a dict server
Function parse​Param Chew one dqstring or atom from beginning of line and return (param, remaningline)
Function parse​Text Undocumented
def define(host, port, database, word): (source)
Look up a word using a dict server
def makeAtom(line): (source)
Munch a string into an 'atom'
def makeWord(s): (source)


def match(host, port, database, strategy, word): (source)
Match a word using a dict server
def parseParam(line): (source)
Chew one dqstring or atom from beginning of line and return (param, remaningline)
def parseText(line): (source)
