class documentation

class Argument: (source)

Known subclasses: twisted.protocols.amp.AmpList, twisted.protocols.amp.Boolean, twisted.protocols.amp.DateTime, twisted.protocols.amp.Decimal, twisted.protocols.amp.Float, twisted.protocols.amp.Integer, twisted.protocols.amp.ListOf, twisted.protocols.amp.String

Implements interfaces: twisted.protocols.amp.IArgumentType

View In Hierarchy

Base-class of all objects that take values from Amp packets and convert them into objects for Python functions.

This implementation of IArgumentType provides several higher-level hooks for subclasses to override. See toString and fromString which will be used to define the behavior of IArgumentType.toBox and IArgumentType.fromBox, respectively.

Method __init__ Create an Argument.
Method from​Box Populate an 'out' dictionary with mapping names to Python values decoded from an 'in' AmpBox mapping strings to string values.
Method from​String Convert a string to a Python object. Subclasses must implement this.
Method from​String​Proto Convert a string to a Python value.
Method retrieve Retrieve the given key from the given dictionary, removing it if found.
Method to​Box Populate an 'out' AmpBox with strings encoded from an 'in' dictionary mapping names to Python values.
Method to​String Convert a Python object into a string for passing over the network.
Method to​String​Proto Convert a Python object to a string.
Instance Variable optional Undocumented
def __init__(self, optional=False): (source)
Create an Argument.
optionala boolean indicating whether this argument can be omitted in the protocol.
def fromBox(self, name, strings, objects, proto): (source)
Populate an 'out' dictionary with mapping names to Python values decoded from an 'in' AmpBox mapping strings to string values.
name:bytesthe argument name to retrieve
strings:AmpBoxThe AmpBox to read string(s) from, a mapping of argument names to string values.
objects:dictThe dictionary to write object(s) to, a mapping of names to Python objects. Keys will be native strings.
protoan AMP instance.
def fromString(self, inString): (source)
Convert a string to a Python object. Subclasses must implement this.
in​String:bytesthe string to convert.
the decoded value from inString
def fromStringProto(self, inString, proto): (source)
Convert a string to a Python value.
in​String:bytesthe string to convert.
proto:AMPthe protocol we are converting for.
a Python object.
def retrieve(self, d, name, proto): (source)
Retrieve the given key from the given dictionary, removing it if found.
da dictionary.
namea key in d.
protoan instance of an AMP.
KeyErrorif I am not optional and no value was found.
def toBox(self, name, strings, objects, proto): (source)
Populate an 'out' AmpBox with strings encoded from an 'in' dictionary mapping names to Python values.
name:bytesthe argument name to retrieve
strings:AmpBoxThe AmpBox to write string(s) to, a mapping of argument names to string values.
objects:dictThe dictionary to read object(s) from, a mapping of names to Python objects. Keys should be native strings.
proto:AMPthe protocol we are converting for.
def toString(self, inObject): (source)
Convert a Python object into a string for passing over the network.
in​Objectan object of the type that this Argument is intended to deal with.
bytesthe wire encoding of inObject
def toStringProto(self, inObject, proto): (source)
Convert a Python object to a string.
in​Objectthe object to convert.
proto:AMPthe protocol we are converting for.
optional = (source)
