class documentation

class _BaseSpeed(FancyEqMixin): (source)

Known subclasses: twisted.positioning.base.Climb, twisted.positioning.base.Speed

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An object representing the abstract concept of the speed (rate of movement) of a mobile object.

This primarily has behavior for converting between units and comparison.

Method __float__ Returns the speed represented by this object expressed in meters per second.
Method __init__ Initializes a speed.
Method __repr__ Returns a string representation of this speed object.
Class Variable compare​Attributes Undocumented
Property in​Knots Returns the speed represented by this object, expressed in knots. This attribute is immutable.
Property in​Meters​Per​Second The speed that this object represents, expressed in meters per second. This attribute is immutable.
Instance Variable _speed Undocumented

Inherited from FancyEqMixin:

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __ne__ Undocumented
def __float__(self): (source)
Returns the speed represented by this object expressed in meters per second.
floatThe speed represented by this object, expressed in meters per second.
def __init__(self, speed): (source)
Initializes a speed.
speed:floatThe speed that this object represents, expressed in meters per second.
ValueErrorRaised if value was invalid for this particular kind of speed. Only happens in subclasses.
def __repr__(self): (source)
Returns a string representation of this speed object.
strThe string representation.
compareAttributes: tuple[str, ...] = (source)
inKnots: float = (source)
Returns the speed represented by this object, expressed in knots. This attribute is immutable.
inMetersPerSecond: float = (source)
The speed that this object represents, expressed in meters per second. This attribute is immutable.
_speed = (source)
