class documentation

class Coordinate(Angle): (source)

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A coordinate.
Method __init__ Initializes a coordinate.
Instance Variable angle The value of the coordinate in decimal degrees, with the usual rules for sign (northern and eastern hemispheres are positive, southern and western hemispheres are negative).
Property hemisphere Gets the hemisphere of this coordinate.

Inherited from Angle:

Method __float__ Returns this angle as a float.
Method __repr__ Returns a string representation of this angle.
Method set​Sign Sets the sign of this angle.
Class Variable compare​Attributes Undocumented
Instance Variable angle​Type Undocumented
Property in​Decimal​Degrees The value of this angle in decimal degrees. This value is immutable.
Property in​Degrees​Minutes​Seconds The value of this angle as a degrees, minutes, seconds tuple. This value is immutable.
Constant _ANGLE​_TYPE​_NAMES English names for angle types.
Constant _RANGE​_EXPRESSIONS A collection of expressions for the allowable range for the angular value of a particular coordinate value.
Instance Variable _angle Undocumented
Property _angle​Type​Name​Repr Returns a string representation of the type of this angle.
Property _angle​Value​Repr Returns a string representation of the angular value of this angle.

Inherited from FancyEqMixin (via Angle):

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __ne__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, angle, coordinateType=None): (source)
Initializes a coordinate.
angle:floatThe angle of this coordinate in decimal degrees. The hemisphere is determined by the sign (north and east are positive). If this coordinate describes a latitude, this value must be within -90.0 and +90.0 (exclusive). If this value describes a longitude, this value must be within -180.0 and +180.0 (exclusive).
coordinate​TypeThe coordinate type. One of Angles.LATITUDE, Angles.LONGITUDE or None if unknown.
angle: float = (source)
The value of the coordinate in decimal degrees, with the usual rules for sign (northern and eastern hemispheres are positive, southern and western hemispheres are negative).
hemisphere = (source)
Gets the hemisphere of this coordinate.