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module documentation

Different styles of persisted objects.
Class ​Ephemeral This type of object is never persisted; if possible, even references to it are eliminated.
Class ​Versioned This type of object is persisted with versioning information.
Function do​Upgrade Undocumented
Function pickle​Method support function for copy_reg to pickle method refs
Function pickle​Module support function for copy_reg to pickle module refs
Function pickle​String​I Reduce the given cStringI.
Function pickle​String​O Reduce the given cStringO.
Function require​Upgrade Require that a Versioned instance be upgraded completely first.
Function unpickle​Method Support function for copy_reg to unpickle method refs.
Function unpickle​Module support function for copy_reg to unpickle module refs
Function unpickle​String​I Convert the output of pickleStringI into an appropriate type for the current Python version.
Function unpickle​String​O Convert the output of pickleStringO into an appropriate type for the current python version. This may be called on Python 3 and will convert a cStringIO into an io.StringIO.
Variable old​Modules Undocumented
Variable upgraded Undocumented
Variable versioneds​To​Upgrade Undocumented
Function _aybabtu Get all of the parent classes of c, not including c itself, which are strict subclasses of Versioned.
Function _method​Function Retrieve the function object implementing a method name given the class it's on and a method name.
Function _pickle​Function Reduce, in the sense of pickle's object.__reduce__ special method, a function object into its constituent parts.
Function _unpickle​Function Convert a function name into a function by importing it.
def doUpgrade(): (source)


def pickleMethod(method): (source)
support function for copy_reg to pickle method refs
def pickleModule(module): (source)
support function for copy_reg to pickle module refs
def pickleStringI(stringi): (source)

Reduce the given cStringI.

This is only called on Python 2, because the cStringIO module only exists on Python 2.

stringi:cStringIO.InputTypeThe string input to pickle.
2-tuple of (function, (bytes, int))a 2-tuple of (unpickleStringI, (bytes, pointer))
def pickleStringO(stringo): (source)

Reduce the given cStringO.

This is only called on Python 2, because the cStringIO module only exists on Python 2.

stringo:cStringIO.OutputTypeThe string output to pickle.
def requireUpgrade(obj): (source)
Require that a Versioned instance be upgraded completely first.
def unpickleMethod(im_name, im_self, im_class): (source)
Support function for copy_reg to unpickle method refs.
im​_name:native strThe name of the method.
im​_self:objectThe instance that the method was present on.
im​_class:type or NoneThe class where the method was declared.
def unpickleModule(name): (source)
support function for copy_reg to unpickle module refs
def unpickleStringI(val, sek): (source)

Convert the output of pickleStringI into an appropriate type for the current Python version.

This may be called on Python 3 and will convert a cStringIO into an io.StringIO.

val:bytesThe content of the file.
sek:intThe seek position of the file.
cStringIO.OutputType on Python 2, io.StringIO on Python 3.a file-like object which you can read bytes from.
def unpickleStringO(val, sek): (source)
Convert the output of pickleStringO into an appropriate type for the current python version. This may be called on Python 3 and will convert a cStringIO into an io.StringIO.
val:bytesThe content of the file.
sek:intThe seek position of the file.
cStringIO.OutputType on Python 2, io.StringIO on Python 3.a file-like object which you can write bytes to.


upgraded: dict = (source)


versionedsToUpgrade: Dict[int, Versioned] = (source)


def _aybabtu(c): (source)
Get all of the parent classes of c, not including c itself, which are strict subclasses of Versioned.
ca class
list of classes
def _methodFunction(classObject, methodName): (source)
Retrieve the function object implementing a method name given the class it's on and a method name.
class​Object:typeA class to retrieve the method's function from.
method​Name:native strThe name of the method whose function to retrieve.
types.FunctionTypethe function object corresponding to the given method name.
def _pickleFunction(f): (source)
Reduce, in the sense of pickle's object.__reduce__ special method, a function object into its constituent parts.
f:types.FunctionTypeThe function to reduce.
2-tuple of callable, native stringa 2-tuple of a reference to _unpickleFunction and a tuple of its arguments, a 1-tuple of the function's fully qualified name.
def _unpickleFunction(fullyQualifiedName): (source)

Convert a function name into a function by importing it.

This is a synonym for twisted.python.reflect.namedAny, but imported locally to avoid circular imports, and also to provide a persistent name that can be stored (and deprecated) independently of namedAny.

fully​Qualified​Name:native strThe fully qualified name of a function.
types.FunctionTypeA function object imported from the given location.