class documentation

class _Defer(Deferred, NotKnown): (source)

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Method __init__ Initialize a Deferred.
Method __setitem__ Undocumented
Method add​Dependant Undocumented
Class Variable wasset Undocumented

Inherited from Deferred:

Class Method from​Coroutine Schedule the execution of a coroutine that awaits on Deferreds, wrapping it in a Deferred that will fire on success/failure of the coroutine.
Class Method from​Future Adapt an asyncio.Future to a Deferred.
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Return a string representation of this Deferred.
Method add​Both Convenience method for adding a single callable as both a callback and an errback.
Method add​Callback Convenience method for adding just a callback.
Method add​Callbacks Add a pair of callbacks (success and error) to this Deferred.
Method add​Errback Convenience method for adding just an errback.
Method add​Timeout Time out this Deferred by scheduling it to be cancelled after timeout seconds.
Method as​Future Adapt this Deferred into a asyncio.Future which is bound to loop.
Method callback Run all success callbacks that have been added to this Deferred.
Method cancel Cancel this Deferred.
Method chain​Deferred Chain another Deferred to this Deferred.
Method errback Run all error callbacks that have been added to this Deferred.
Method pause Stop processing on a Deferred until unpause() is called.
Method send Undocumented
Method unpause Process all callbacks made since pause() was called.
Class Variable debug Undocumented
Instance Variable callbacks Undocumented
Instance Variable called A flag which is False until either callback or errback is called and afterwards always True.
Instance Variable paused A counter of how many unmatched pause calls have been made on this instance.
Instance Variable result Undocumented
Method _continuation Build a tuple of callback and errback with _CONTINUE.
Method _run​Callbacks Run the chain of callbacks once a result is available.
Method _start​Run​Callbacks Undocumented
Instance Variable _canceller Undocumented
Instance Variable _chained​To If this Deferred is waiting for the result of another Deferred, this is a reference to the other Deferred. Otherwise, None.
Instance Variable _debug​Info Undocumented
Instance Variable _running​Callbacks A flag which is True while this instance is executing its callback chain, used to stop recursive execution of _runCallbacks
Instance Variable _suppress​Already​Called A flag used by the cancellation mechanism which is True if the Deferred has no canceller and has been cancelled, False otherwise. If True, it can be expected that callback or errback will eventually be called and the result should be silently discarded.

Inherited from NotKnown:

Method __hash__ Undocumented
Method resolve​Dependants Undocumented
Instance Variable dependants Undocumented
Instance Variable resolved Undocumented
Instance Variable resolved​Object Undocumented
def __init__(self): (source)
Initialize a Deferred.
canceller:a 1-argument callable which takes a Deferred. The return result is ignored.

a callable used to stop the pending operation scheduled by this Deferred when Deferred.cancel is invoked. The canceller will be passed the deferred whose cancelation is requested (i.e., self).

If a canceller is not given, or does not invoke its argument's callback or errback method, Deferred.cancel will invoke Deferred.errback with a CancelledError.

Note that if a canceller is not given, callback or errback may still be invoked exactly once, even though will have already invoked errback, as described above. This allows clients of code which returns a Deferred to cancel it without requiring the Deferred instantiator to provide any specific implementation support for cancellation. New in 10.1.

def __setitem__(self, n, obj): (source)


def addDependant(self, dep, key): (source)
wasset: int = (source)
