module documentation

AOT: Abstract Object Trees The source-code-marshallin'est abstract-object-serializin'est persister this side of Marmalade!
Class ​AOTJellier No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 2/4 methods documented
Class ​AOTUnjellier I handle the unjellying of an Abstract Object Tree. See AOTUnjellier.unjellyAO
Class ​Class Undocumented
Class ​Copyreg Undocumented
Class ​Deref Undocumented
Class ​Function Undocumented
Class ​Instance Undocumented
Class ​Instance​Method Undocumented
Class ​Module Undocumented
Class ​Named Undocumented
Class ​Non​Formattable​Dict A dictionary was not formattable.
Class ​Ref Undocumented
Function dict​To​KW Undocumented
Function get​Source Pass me an AO, I'll return a nicely-formatted source representation.
Function indentify Undocumented
Function jelly​To​AOT Convert an object to an Abstract Object Tree.
Function jelly​To​Source Pass me an object and, optionally, a file object. I'll convert the object to an AOT either return it (if no file was specified) or write it to the file.
Function prettify Undocumented
Function unjelly​From​AOT Pass me an Abstract Object Tree, and I'll unjelly it for you.
Function unjelly​From​Source Pass me a string of code or a filename that defines an 'app' variable (in terms of Abstract Objects!), and I'll execute it and unjelly the resulting AOT for you, returning a newly unpersisted Application object!
Variable ​No​State​Obj Undocumented
Variable r Undocumented
Class _​No​State​Obj Undocumented
Function _class​Of​Method Get the associated class of the given method object.
Function _func​Of​Method Get the associated function of the given method object.
Function _self​Of​Method Get the object that a bound method is bound to.
Constant _SIMPLE​_BUILTINS Undocumented
def dictToKW(d): (source)


def getSource(ao): (source)
Pass me an AO, I'll return a nicely-formatted source representation.
def indentify(s): (source)


def jellyToAOT(obj): (source)
Convert an object to an Abstract Object Tree.
def jellyToSource(obj, file=None): (source)
Pass me an object and, optionally, a file object. I'll convert the object to an AOT either return it (if no file was specified) or write it to the file.
def prettify(obj): (source)


def unjellyFromAOT(aot): (source)
Pass me an Abstract Object Tree, and I'll unjelly it for you.
def unjellyFromSource(stringOrFile): (source)
Pass me a string of code or a filename that defines an 'app' variable (in terms of Abstract Objects!), and I'll execute it and unjelly the resulting AOT for you, returning a newly unpersisted Application object!
NoStateObj = (source)



def _classOfMethod(methodObject): (source)
Get the associated class of the given method object.
method​Object:types.MethodTypea bound method
typea class
def _funcOfMethod(methodObject): (source)
Get the associated function of the given method object.
method​Object:types.MethodTypea bound method
types.FunctionTypethe function implementing methodObject
def _selfOfMethod(methodObject): (source)
Get the object that a bound method is bound to.
method​Object:types.MethodTypea bound method
objectthe self passed to methodObject


[bool, bytes, str, int, float, complex, type(None), slice, type(Ellipsis)]