class documentation

class ESMTP(SMTP): (source)

View In Hierarchy


Method __init__ Undocumented
Method connection​Made Called when a connection is made.
Method do_​EHLO Undocumented
Method ext_​AUTH Undocumented
Method ext_​STARTTLS Undocumented
Method extensions SMTP service extensions
Method greeting Undocumented
Method list​Extensions Undocumented
Method lookup​Method
Method state_​AUTH Handle one step of challenge/response authentication.
Class Variable started​TLS Undocumented
Instance Variable authenticated Undocumented
Instance Variable can​Start​TLS Undocumented
Instance Variable challenge Undocumented
Instance Variable challenger Undocumented
Instance Variable challengers Undocumented
Instance Variable ctx Undocumented
Instance Variable mode Undocumented
Method _cb​Authenticated Save the state resulting from a successful cred login and mark this connection as authenticated.
Method _eb​Authenticated Handle cred login errors by translating them to the SMTP authenticate failed. Translate all other errors into a generic SMTP error code and log the failure for inspection. Stop all errors from propagating.
Instance Variable _from Undocumented
Instance Variable _helo Undocumented
Instance Variable _to Undocumented

Inherited from SMTP:

Method connection​Lost Called when the connection is shut down.
Method data​Line​Received Undocumented
Method do_​DATA Undocumented
Method do_​HELO Undocumented
Method do_​MAIL Undocumented
Method do_​QUIT Undocumented
Method do_​RCPT Undocumented
Method do_​RSET Undocumented
Method do_​UNKNOWN Undocumented
Method host​.setter Undocumented
Method line​Length​Exceeded Called when the maximum line length has been reached. Override if it needs to be dealt with in some special way.
Method line​Received Override this for when each line is received.
Method received​Header Undocumented
Method send​Code Send an SMTP code with a message.
Method send​Syntax​Error Undocumented
Method state_​COMMAND Undocumented
Method timeout​Connection Called when the connection times out.
Method validate​From Validate the address from which the message originates.
Method validate​To Validate the address for which the message is destined.
Class Variable mail​_re Undocumented
Class Variable noisy Undocumented
Class Variable portal Undocumented
Class Variable qstring Undocumented
Class Variable rcpt​_re Undocumented
Class Variable timeout Undocumented
Instance Variable datafailed Undocumented
Instance Variable delivery Undocumented
Instance Variable delivery​Factory Undocumented
Property host Undocumented
Method _cb​Anonymous​Authentication Save the state resulting from a successful anonymous cred login.
Method _cb​From​Validate Undocumented
Method _cb​To​Validate Undocumented
Method _disconnect Undocumented
Method _eb​From​Validate Undocumented
Method _eb​To​Validate Undocumented
Method _message​Handled Undocumented
Instance Variable __inbody Undocumented
Instance Variable __inheader Undocumented
Instance Variable __messages Undocumented
Instance Variable _host Undocumented
Instance Variable _on​Logout Undocumented

Inherited from LineOnlyReceiver (via SMTP):

Method data​Received Translates bytes into lines, and calls lineReceived.
Method send​Line Sends a line to the other end of the connection.
Constant MAX​_LENGTH The maximum length of a line to allow (If a sent line is longer than this, the connection is dropped). Default is 16384.
Class Variable delimiter The line-ending delimiter to use. By default this is b'\r\n'.
Instance Variable _buffer Undocumented

Inherited from Protocol (via SMTP, LineOnlyReceiver):

Method log​Prefix Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance.
Class Variable factory Undocumented

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via SMTP, LineOnlyReceiver, Protocol):

Method make​Connection Make a connection to a transport and a server.
Instance Variable connected Undocumented
Instance Variable transport Undocumented

Inherited from TimeoutMixin (via SMTP):

Method call​Later Wrapper around reactor.callLater for test purpose.
Method reset​Timeout Reset the timeout count down.
Method set​Timeout Change the timeout period
Instance Variable time​Out The number of seconds after which to timeout the connection.
Method __timed​Out Undocumented
Instance Variable __timeout​Call Undocumented
def __init__(self, chal=None, contextFactory=None): (source)


def connectionMade(self): (source)

Called when a connection is made.

This may be considered the initializer of the protocol, because it is called when the connection is completed. For clients, this is called once the connection to the server has been established; for servers, this is called after an accept() call stops blocking and a socket has been received. If you need to send any greeting or initial message, do it here.

def do_EHLO(self, rest): (source)


def ext_AUTH(self, rest): (source)


def ext_STARTTLS(self, rest): (source)


def extensions(self): (source)
SMTP service extensions
dict with bytes keys and a value of either None or a list of bytes.the SMTP service extensions that are supported.
def greeting(self): (source)


def listExtensions(self): (source)


def lookupMethod(self, command): (source)
command:strThe command to get from this class.
The function which executes this command.
def state_AUTH(self, response): (source)
Handle one step of challenge/response authentication.
responseThe text of a response. If None, this function has been called as a result of an AUTH command with no initial response. A response of '*' aborts authentication, as per RFC 2554.
startedTLS: bool = (source)


authenticated: bool = (source)


canStartTLS = (source)


challenge = (source)


challenger = (source)


challengers = (source)



mode = (source)


def _cbAuthenticated(self, loginInfo): (source)
Save the state resulting from a successful cred login and mark this connection as authenticated.
def _ebAuthenticated(self, reason): (source)
Handle cred login errors by translating them to the SMTP authenticate failed. Translate all other errors into a generic SMTP error code and log the failure for inspection. Stop all errors from propagating.
reasonReason for failure.
_from = (source)


_helo = (source)

