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class documentation

class FileAlias(AliasBase): (source)

Implements interfaces: twisted.mail.interfaces.IAlias

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An alias which translates an address to a file.
Method __init__
Method __str__ Build a string representation of this FileAlias instance.
Method create​Message​Receiver Create a message receiver which delivers a message to the file.
Instance Variable filename See __init__.

Inherited from AliasBase:

Method domain Return the domain associated with original address.
Method resolve Map this alias to its ultimate destination.
Instance Variable domains See __init__.
Instance Variable original The original address being aliased.
def __init__(self, filename, *args): (source)
filename:bytesThe name of the file in which to store the message.
*args:2-tuple of (0) dict mapping bytes to IDomain provider, (1) bytesArguments for AliasBase.__init__.
def __str__(self): (source)
Build a string representation of this FileAlias instance.
bytesA string containing the name of the file.
def createMessageReceiver(self): (source)
Create a message receiver which delivers a message to the file.
FileWrapperA message receiver which writes a message to the file.
filename = (source)
See __init__.