class INegotiated(ISSLTransport): (source)
Known implementations: twisted.protocols.tls.TLSMemoryBIOProtocol
Attribute | negotiatedProtocol |
No summary |
Inherited from ISSLTransport
Method | getPeerCertificate |
Return an object with the peer's certificate info. |
Inherited from ITCPTransport
(via ISSLTransport
Method | abortConnection |
Close the connection abruptly. |
Method | getHost |
Returns IPv4Address or IPv6Address . |
Method | getPeer |
Returns IPv4Address or IPv6Address . |
Method | getTcpKeepAlive |
Return if SO_KEEPALIVE is enabled. |
Method | getTcpNoDelay |
Return if TCP_NODELAY is enabled. |
Method | loseWriteConnection |
Half-close the write side of a TCP connection. |
Method | setTcpKeepAlive |
Enable/disable SO_KEEPALIVE. |
Method | setTcpNoDelay |
Enable/disable TCP_NODELAY. |
Inherited from ITransport
(via ISSLTransport
, ITCPTransport
Method | loseConnection |
Close my connection, after writing all pending data. |
Method | write |
Write some data to the physical connection, in sequence, in a non-blocking fashion. |
Method | writeSequence |
Write an iterable of byte strings to the physical connection. |
. Otherwise, will be the name of the selected protocol as bytes. Note that until the handshake has completed this property may incorrectly return None
: wait until data has been received before trusting it (see