class documentation

class CFReactor(PosixReactorBase): (source)

Implements interfaces: twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorFDSet

View In Hierarchy

The CoreFoundation reactor.

You probably want to use this via the install API.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method add​Reader Implement IReactorFDSet.addReader.
Method add​Writer Implement IReactorFDSet.addWriter.
Method call​Later Implement IReactorTime.callLater.
Method crash Implement IReactorCore.crash
Method get​Readers Implement IReactorFDSet.getReaders.
Method get​Writers Implement IReactorFDSet.getWriters.
Method install​Waker Override installWaker in order to use _WakerPlus; otherwise this should be exactly the same as the parent implementation.
Method iterate Emulate the behavior of iterate() for things that want to call it, by letting the loop run for a little while and then scheduling a timed call to exit it.
Method main​Loop Run the runner (CFRunLoopRun or something that calls it), which runs the run loop until crash() is called.
Method remove​All Implement IReactorFDSet.removeAll.
Method remove​Reader Implement IReactorFDSet.removeReader.
Method remove​Writer Implement IReactorFDSet.removeWriter.
Method stop Implement IReactorCore.stop.
Instance Variable waker Undocumented
Method _flag2idx Convert a kCFSocket... constant to an index into the read/write state list (_READ or _WRITE) (the 4th element of the value of self._fdmap).
Method _move​Call​Later​Sooner No summary
Method _schedule​Simulate Schedule a call to self.runUntilCurrent. This will cancel the currently scheduled call if it is already scheduled.
Method _socket​Callback The socket callback issued by CFRunLoop. This will issue doRead or doWrite calls to the IReadDescriptor and IWriteDescriptor registered with the file descriptor that we are being notified of.
Method _stop​Now Immediately stop the CFRunLoop (which must be running!).
Method _unwatch​FD Unregister a file descriptor with the CFRunLoop, or modify its state so that it's listening for only one notification (read or write) as opposed to both; used to implement removeReader and removeWriter.
Method _watch​FD Register a file descriptor with the CFRunLoop, or modify its state so that it's listening for both notifications (read and write) rather than just one; used to implement addReader and addWriter.
Instance Variable _cfrunloop the CFRunLoop pyobjc object wrapped by this reactor.
Instance Variable _current​Simulator if a CFTimer is currently scheduled with the CF run loop to run Twisted callLater calls, this is a reference to it. Otherwise, it is None
Instance Variable _fdmap a dictionary, mapping an integer (a file descriptor) to a 4-tuple of:
Instance Variable _idmap a dictionary, mapping the id() of an IReadDescriptor or IWriteDescriptor to a fd in _fdmap. Implemented in this manner so that we don't have to rely (even more) on the hashability of IReadDescriptor providers, and we know that they won't be collected since these are kept in sync with _fdmap. Necessary because the .fileno() of a file descriptor may change at will, so we need to be able to look up what its file descriptor used to be, so that we can look it up in _fdmap
Instance Variable _in​CFLoop Is CFRunLoopRun currently running?
Instance Variable _runner Undocumented

Inherited from PosixReactorBase:

Method adopt​Datagram​Port Add an existing listening SOCK_DGRAM socket to the reactor to monitor for read and write readiness.
Method adopt​Stream​Connection
Method adopt​Stream​Port Create a new IListeningPort from an already-initialized socket.
Method connect​SSL Connect a client Protocol to a remote SSL socket.
Method connect​TCP Connect a TCP client.
Method connect​UNIX Connect a client protocol to a UNIX socket.
Method connect​UNIXDatagram Connects a ConnectedDatagramProtocol instance to a path.
Method listen​Multicast Connects a given DatagramProtocol to the given numeric UDP port.
Method listen​SSL Connects a given protocol factory to the given numeric TCP/IP port. The connection is a SSL one, using contexts created by the context factory.
Method listen​TCP Connects a given protocol factory to the given numeric TCP/IP port.
Method listen​UDP Connects a given DatagramProtocol to the given numeric UDP port.
Method listen​UNIX Listen on a UNIX socket.
Method listen​UNIXDatagram Connects a given DatagramProtocol to the given path.
Method spawn​Process Spawn a process, with a process protocol.
Method _handle​Signals Extend the basic signal handling logic to also support handling SIGCHLD to know when to try to reap child processes.
Method _remove​All Remove all readers and writers, and list of removed IReadDescriptors and IWriteDescriptors.
Method _uninstall​Handler If a child waker was created and installed, uninstall it now.
Class Variable _supported​Address​Families Undocumented
Instance Variable _child​Waker None or a reference to the _SIGCHLDWaker which is used to properly notice child process termination.

Inherited from _SignalReactorMixin (via PosixReactorBase):

Method run Undocumented
Method start​Running Extend the base implementation in order to remember whether signal handlers should be installed later.
Method _really​Start​Running Extend the base implementation by also installing signal handlers, if self._installSignalHandlers is true.
Instance Variable _install​Signal​Handlers A flag which indicates whether any signal handlers will be installed during startup. This includes handlers for SIGCHLD to monitor child processes, and SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGBREAK to stop the reactor.

Inherited from _DisconnectSelectableMixin (via PosixReactorBase):

Method _disconnect​Selectable Utility function for disconnecting a selectable.

Inherited from ReactorBase (via PosixReactorBase):

Method add​System​Event​Trigger See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.addSystemEventTrigger.
Method call​From​Thread See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorFromThreads.callFromThread.
Method call​In​Thread See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorInThreads.callInThread.
Method call​When​Running See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.callWhenRunning.
Method disconnect​All Disconnect every reader, and writer in the system.
Method do​Iteration Do one iteration over the readers and writers which have been added.
Method fire​System​Event See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.fireSystemEvent.
Method get​Delayed​Calls No summary
Method get​Thread​Pool See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorThreads.getThreadPool.
Method remove​System​Event​Trigger See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.removeSystemEventTrigger.
Method resolve Return a Deferred that will resolve a hostname.
Method run Fire 'startup' System Events, move the reactor to the 'running' state, then run the main loop until it is stopped with stop() or crash().
Method run​Until​Current Run all pending timed calls.
Method sig​Break Handle a SIGBREAK interrupt.
Method sig​Int Handle a SIGINT interrupt.
Method sig​Term Handle a SIGTERM interrupt.
Method start​Running Method called when reactor starts: do some initialization and fire startup events.
Method suggest​Thread​Pool​Size See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorThreads.suggestThreadPoolSize.
Method timeout Determine the longest time the reactor may sleep (waiting on I/O notification, perhaps) before it must wake up to service a time-related event.
Method wake​Up Wake up the event loop.
Class Variable __name__ Undocumented
Class Variable installed Undocumented
Class Variable seconds Get the current time in seconds.
Instance Variable running See IReactorCore.running
Instance Variable thread​Call​Queue Undocumented
Instance Variable threadpool Undocumented
Instance Variable threadpool​Shutdown​ID Undocumented
Instance Variable using​Threads Undocumented
Method _cancel​Call​Later Undocumented
Method _check​Process​Args Check for valid arguments and environment to spawnProcess.
Method _init​Thread​Pool Create the threadpool accessible with callFromThread.
Method _init​Threads Undocumented
Method _insert​New​Delayed​Calls Undocumented
Method _really​Start​Running Method called to transition to the running state. This should happen in the during startup event trigger phase.
Method _stop​Thread​Pool No summary
Class Variable _lock Undocumented
Instance Variable _cancellations Undocumented
Instance Variable _event​Triggers Undocumented
Instance Variable _exit​Signal See _ISupportsExitSignalCapturing._exitSignal
Instance Variable _internal​Readers Undocumented
Instance Variable _just​Stopped A flag which is true between the time reactor.stop is called and the time the shutdown system event is fired. This is used to determine whether that event should be fired after each iteration through the mainloop. This should be replaced with an explicit state machine.
Instance Variable _new​Timed​Calls Undocumented
Instance Variable _pending​Timed​Calls Undocumented
Instance Variable _register​As​IOThread A flag controlling whether the reactor will register the thread it is running in as the I/O thread when it starts. If True, registration will be done, otherwise it will not be.
Instance Variable _started A flag which is true from the time is called until the time returns. This is used to prevent calls to on a running reactor. This should be replaced with an explicit state machine.
Instance Variable _started​Before Undocumented
Instance Variable _stopped A flag which is true between paired calls to and reactor.stop. This should be replaced with an explicit state machine.
Instance Variable _threadpool​Startup​ID Undocumented

Inherited from PluggableResolverMixin (via PosixReactorBase, ReactorBase):

Method install​Name​Resolver See IReactorPluggableNameResolver.
Method install​Resolver See IReactorPluggableResolver.
Instance Variable resolver The installed IResolverSimple.
Property name​Resolver Implementation of read-only IReactorPluggableNameResolver.nameResolver.
Instance Variable _name​Resolver The installed IHostnameResolver.
def __init__(self, runLoop=None, runner=None): (source)
def installWaker(self): (source)
Override installWaker in order to use _WakerPlus; otherwise this should be exactly the same as the parent implementation.
def iterate(self, delay=0): (source)
Emulate the behavior of iterate() for things that want to call it, by letting the loop run for a little while and then scheduling a timed call to exit it.
def mainLoop(self): (source)
Run the runner (CFRunLoopRun or something that calls it), which runs the run loop until crash() is called.
def _flag2idx(self, flag): (source)
Convert a kCFSocket... constant to an index into the read/write state list (_READ or _WRITE) (the 4th element of the value of self._fdmap).
flagkCFSocketReadCallBack or kCFSocketWriteCallBack
def _moveCallLaterSooner(self, tple): (source)
Override PosixReactorBase's implementation of IDelayedCall.reset so that it will immediately reschedule. Normally _moveCallLaterSooner depends on the fact that runUntilCurrent is always run before the mainloop goes back to sleep, so this forces it to immediately recompute how long the loop needs to stay asleep.
def _scheduleSimulate(self, force=False): (source)
Schedule a call to self.runUntilCurrent. This will cancel the currently scheduled call if it is already scheduled.
force:boolEven if there are no timed calls, make sure that runUntilCurrent runs immediately (in a 0-seconds-from-now CFRunLoopTimer). This is necessary for calls which need to trigger behavior of runUntilCurrent other than running timed calls, such as draining the thread call queue or calling crash() when the appropriate flags are set.
def _socketCallback(self, cfSocket, callbackType, ignoredAddress, ignoredData, context): (source)
The socket callback issued by CFRunLoop. This will issue doRead or doWrite calls to the IReadDescriptor and IWriteDescriptor registered with the file descriptor that we are being notified of.
cf​SocketThe CFSocket which has got some activity.
callback​TypeThe type of activity that we are being notified of. Either kCFSocketReadCallBack or kCFSocketWriteCallBack.
ignored​AddressUnused, because this is not used for either of the callback types we register for.
ignored​DataUnused, because this is not used for either of the callback types we register for.
contextThe data associated with this callback by CFSocketCreateWithNative (in CFReactor._watchFD). A 2-tuple of (int, CFRunLoopSource).
def _stopNow(self): (source)
Immediately stop the CFRunLoop (which must be running!).
def _unwatchFD(self, fd, descr, flag): (source)
Unregister a file descriptor with the CFRunLoop, or modify its state so that it's listening for only one notification (read or write) as opposed to both; used to implement removeReader and removeWriter.
fd:inta file descriptor
descran IReadDescriptor or IWriteDescriptor
flagkCFSocketWriteCallBack kCFSocketReadCallBack
def _watchFD(self, fd, descr, flag): (source)
Register a file descriptor with the CFRunLoop, or modify its state so that it's listening for both notifications (read and write) rather than just one; used to implement addReader and addWriter.
fd:intThe file descriptor.
descrthe IReadDescriptor or IWriteDescriptor
flagthe flag to register for callbacks on, either kCFSocketReadCallBack or kCFSocketWriteCallBack
_cfrunloop = (source)
the CFRunLoop pyobjc object wrapped by this reactor.
_currentSimulator = (source)
if a CFTimer is currently scheduled with the CF run loop to run Twisted callLater calls, this is a reference to it. Otherwise, it is None
_fdmap: dict = (source)

a dictionary, mapping an integer (a file descriptor) to a 4-tuple of:

  • source: a CFRunLoopSource; the source associated with this socket.
  • socket: a CFSocket wrapping the file descriptor.
  • descriptor: an IReadDescriptor and/or IWriteDescriptor provider.
  • read-write: a 2-list of booleans: respectively, whether this descriptor is currently registered for reading or registered for writing.
_idmap: dict = (source)
a dictionary, mapping the id() of an IReadDescriptor or IWriteDescriptor to a fd in _fdmap. Implemented in this manner so that we don't have to rely (even more) on the hashability of IReadDescriptor providers, and we know that they won't be collected since these are kept in sync with _fdmap. Necessary because the .fileno() of a file descriptor may change at will, so we need to be able to look up what its file descriptor used to be, so that we can look it up in _fdmap
_inCFLoop: bool = (source)
Is CFRunLoopRun currently running?
_runner = (source)
