module documentation

Calculations for HTTP Digest authentication.
See Also
Function calc​HA1 Compute H(A1) from RFC 2617.
Function calc​HA2 Compute H(A2) from RFC 2617.
Function calc​Response Compute the digest for the given parameters.
Variable algorithms Undocumented
def calcHA1(pszAlg, pszUserName, pszRealm, pszPassword, pszNonce, pszCNonce, preHA1=None): (source)
Compute H(A1) from RFC 2617.
psz​AlgThe name of the algorithm to use to calculate the digest. Currently supported are md5, md5-sess, and sha.
psz​User​NameThe username
psz​RealmThe realm
psz​PasswordThe password
psz​NonceThe nonce
psz​CNonceThe cnonce
pre​HA1If available this is a str containing a previously calculated H(A1) as a hex string. If this is given then the values for pszUserName, pszRealm, and pszPassword must be None and are ignored.
def calcHA2(algo, pszMethod, pszDigestUri, pszQop, pszHEntity): (source)
Compute H(A2) from RFC 2617.
algoThe name of the algorithm to use to calculate the digest. Currently supported are md5, md5-sess, and sha.
psz​MethodThe request method.
psz​Digest​UriThe request URI.
psz​QopThe Quality-of-Protection value.
psz​HEntityThe hash of the entity body or None if pszQop is not 'auth-int'.
The hash of the A2 value for the calculation of the response digest.
def calcResponse(HA1, HA2, algo, pszNonce, pszNonceCount, pszCNonce, pszQop): (source)
Compute the digest for the given parameters.
HA1The H(A1) value, as computed by calcHA1.
HA2The H(A2) value, as computed by calcHA2.
psz​NonceThe challenge nonce.
psz​Nonce​CountThe (client) nonce count value for this response.
psz​CNonceThe client nonce.
psz​QopThe Quality-of-Protection value.
algorithms = (source)
