class SSHUserAuthServer(service.SSHService): (source)
Method | auth_password |
Password authentication. Payload:: string password |
Method | auth_publickey |
No summary |
Method | serviceStarted |
No summary |
Method | serviceStopped |
Called when the userauth service is stopped. Cancel the login timeout if it's still going. |
No summary |
Method | timeoutAuthentication |
Called when the user has timed out on authentication. Disconnect with a DISCONNECT_NO_MORE_AUTH_METHODS_AVAILABLE message. |
Method | tryAuth |
Try to authenticate the user with the given method. Dispatches to a auth_* method. |
Instance Variable | attemptsBeforeDisconnect |
the number of failed login attempts we allow before disconnecting. |
Instance Variable | authenticatedWith |
a list of authentication methods that have already been used. |
Instance Variable | clock |
an object with a callLater method. Stubbed out for testing. |
Instance Variable | interfaceToMethod |
a dict mapping credential interfaces to authentication methods. The server checks to see which of the cred interfaces have checkers and tells the client that those methods are valid for authentication. |
Instance Variable | loginAttempts |
the number of login attempts that have been made |
Instance Variable | loginTimeout |
the number of seconds we wait before disconnecting the user for taking too long to authenticate |
Instance Variable | method |
the current authentication method |
Instance Variable | name |
the name of this service: 'ssh-userauth' |
Instance Variable | nextService |
the service the user wants started after authentication has been completed. |
Instance Variable | passwordDelay |
the number of seconds to delay when the user gives an incorrect password |
Instance Variable | portal |
the twisted.cred.portal.Portal we are using for authentication |
Instance Variable | supportedAuthentications |
A list of the supported authentication methods. |
Instance Variable | user |
the last username the client tried to authenticate with |
Method | _cbFinishedAuth |
The callback when user has successfully been authenticated. For a description of the arguments, see twisted.cred.portal.Portal.login . We start the service requested by the user. |
Method | _ebBadAuth |
No summary |
Method | _ebCheckKey |
Called back if the user did not sent a signature. If reason is error.ValidPublicKey then this key is valid for the user to authenticate with. Send MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK. |
Method | _ebMaybeBadAuth |
An intermediate errback. If the reason is error.NotEnoughAuthentication, we send a MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, but with the partial success indicator set. |
Method | _ebPassword |
If the password is invalid, wait before sending the failure in order to delay brute-force password guessing. |
Class Variable | _log |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _cancelLoginTimeout |
Undocumented |
Inherited from SSHService
Method | logPrefix |
Undocumented |
Method | packetReceived |
called when we receive a packet on the transport |
Class Variable | protocolMessages |
Undocumented |
Class Variable | transport |
Undocumented |
Password authentication. Payload:
string password
Make a UsernamePassword credential and verify it with our portal.
Public key authentication. Payload:
byte has signature string algorithm name string key blob [string signature] (if has signature is True)
Create a SSHPublicKey credential and verify it using our portal.
The client has requested authentication. Payload:
string user string next service string method <authentication specific data>
Parameters | |
packet:bytes | Undocumented |
Parameters | |
kind:bytes | the authentication method to try. |
user:bytes | the username the client is authenticating with. |
data:bytes | authentication specific data sent by the client. |
Returns | |
defer.Deferred | A Deferred called back if the method succeeded, or erred back if it failed. |
mapping credential interfaces to authentication methods. The server checks to see which of the cred interfaces have checkers and tells the client that those methods are valid for authentication.twisted.cred.portal.Portal.login
. We start the service requested by the user.Parameters | |
reason:twisted.python.failure.Failure | Undocumented |
Parameters | |
reason:twisted.python.failure.Failure | Undocumented |