class SSHCiphers: (source)
Method | __init__ |
Undocumented |
Method | decrypt |
Decrypt some data. |
Method | encrypt |
Encrypt some data. |
Method | makeMAC |
Create a message authentication code (MAC) for the given packet using the outgoing MAC values. |
Method | setKeys |
Set up the ciphers and hashes using the given keys, |
Method | verify |
Verify an incoming MAC using the incoming MAC values. |
Class Variable | cipherMap |
A dictionary mapping SSH encryption names to 3-tuples of (<cryptography.hazmat.primitives.interfaces.CipherAlgorithm>, <block size>, <cryptography.hazmat.primitives.interfaces.Mode>) |
Class Variable | macMap |
A dictionary mapping SSH MAC names to hash modules. |
Instance Variable | decBlockSize |
the block size of the incoming cipher. |
Instance Variable | decryptor |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | encBlockSize |
the block size of the outgoing cipher. |
Instance Variable | encryptor |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | inCipType |
the string type of the incoming cipher. |
Instance Variable | inMAc |
see outMAC, but for the incoming MAC. |
Instance Variable | inMAC |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | inMACType |
the string type of the incoming MAC. |
Instance Variable | outCipType |
the string type of the outgoing cipher. |
Instance Variable | outMAC |
a tuple of (<hash module>, <inner key>, <outer key>, <digest size>) representing the outgoing MAC. |
Instance Variable | outMACType |
the string type of the incoming MAC. |
Instance Variable | verifyDigestSize |
the size of the incoming MAC. |
Method | _getCipher |
Creates an initialized cipher object. |
Method | _getMAC |
Gets a 4-tuple representing the message authentication code. (<hash module>, <inner hash value>, <outer hash value>, <digest size>) |
Parameters | |
outIV | the outgoing initialization vector |
outKey | the outgoing encryption key |
inIV | the incoming initialization vector |
inKey | the incoming encryption key |
outInteg | the outgoing integrity key |
inInteg | the incoming integrity key. |