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class documentation

class TerminalUser(avatar.ConchUser, components.Adapter): (source)

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Method __init__ Set my 'original' attribute to be the object I am adapting.

Inherited from ConchUser:

Method conn​.setter Undocumented
Method got​Global​Request A global request was sent from the other side.
Method lookup​Channel The other side requested a channel of some sort.
Method lookup​Subsystem The other side requested a subsystem.
Instance Variable channel​Lookup Undocumented
Instance Variable subsystem​Lookup Undocumented
Property conn The SSHConnection object for this user.
Class Variable _log Undocumented
Instance Variable _conn Undocumented

Inherited from Adapter:

Method __conform__ I forward __conform__ to self.original if it has it, otherwise I simply return None.
Method isuper Forward isuper to self.original
Class Variable multi​Component If this adapter is persistent, should it be automatically registered for all appropriate interfaces.
Class Variable temporary​Adapter If this is True, the adapter will not be persisted on the Componentized.
Instance Variable original Undocumented
def __init__(self, original, avatarId): (source)
Set my 'original' attribute to be the object I am adapting.