class documentation

class ConchFactory(factory.SSHFactory): (source)

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Method __init__ Undocumented
Class Variable private​Keys Undocumented
Class Variable public​Keys Undocumented
Instance Variable portal Undocumented

Inherited from SSHFactory:

Method build​Protocol Create an instance of the server side of the SSH protocol.
Method get​DHPrime Return a tuple of (g, p) for a Diffe-Hellman process, with p being as close to bits bits as possible.
Method get​Primes Called when the factory is started to get Diffie-Hellman generators and primes to use. Returns a dictionary mapping number of bits to lists of tuple of (generator, prime).
Method get​Private​Keys Called when the factory is started to get the private portions of the servers host keys. Returns a dictionary mapping SSH key types to twisted.conch.ssh.keys.Key objects.
Method get​Public​Keys Called when the factory is started to get the public portions of the servers host keys. Returns a dictionary mapping SSH key types to public key strings.
Method get​Service Return a class to use as a service for the given transport.
Method start​Factory Check for public and private keys.
Class Variable services Undocumented
Instance Variable primes Undocumented
Class Variable _log Undocumented

Inherited from Factory (via SSHFactory):

Class Method for​Protocol Create a factory for the given protocol.
Method do​Start Make sure startFactory is called.
Method do​Stop Make sure stopFactory is called.
Method log​Prefix Describe this factory for log messages.
Method stop​Factory This will be called before I stop listening on all Ports/Connectors.
Class Variable noisy Undocumented
Class Variable protocol Undocumented
Instance Variable num​Ports Undocumented
def __init__(self, portal): (source)


portal = (source)
