module documentation

Endpoint implementations of various SSH interactions.
Class ​Authentication​Failed An SSH session could not be established because authentication was not successful.
Class ​SSHCommand​Address An SSHCommandAddress instance represents the address of an SSH server, a username which was used to authenticate with that server, and a command which was run there.
Class ​SSHCommand​Client​Endpoint SSHCommandClientEndpoint exposes the command-executing functionality of SSH servers.
Interface _​ISSHConnection​Creator An _ISSHConnectionCreator knows how to create SSH connections somehow.
Class _​Command​Channel A _CommandChannel executes a command in a session channel and connects its input and output to an IProtocol provider.
Class _​Command​Transport _CommandTransport is an SSH client transport which includes a host key verification step before it will proceed to secure the connection.
Class _​Connection​Ready _ConnectionReady is an SSHConnection (an SSH service) which only propagates the serviceStarted event to a Deferred to be handled elsewhere.
Class _​Existing​Connection​Helper _ExistingConnectionHelper implements _ISSHConnectionCreator by handing out an existing SSH connection which is supplied to its initializer.
Class _​New​Connection​Helper _NewConnectionHelper implements _ISSHConnectionCreator by establishing a brand new SSH connection, securing it, and authenticating.
Class _​Read​File A weakly file-like object which can be used with KnownHostsFile to respond in the negative to all prompts for decisions.
Class _​User​Auth _UserAuth implements the client part of SSH user authentication in the convenient way a user might expect if they are familiar with the interactive ssh command line client.