class documentation

class PlainEntry(_BaseEntry): (source)

Implements interfaces: twisted.conch.interfaces.IKnownHostEntry

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A PlainEntry is a representation of a plain-text entry in a known_hosts file.
Class Method from​String Parse a plain-text entry in a known_hosts file, and return a corresponding PlainEntry.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method matches​Host Check to see if this entry matches a given hostname.
Method to​String Implement IKnownHostEntry.toString by recording the comma-separated hostnames, key type, and base-64 encoded key.
Instance Variable _hostnames the list of all host-names associated with this entry.

Inherited from _BaseEntry:

Method matches​Key Check to see if this entry matches a given key object.
Instance Variable comment Trailing garbage after the key line.
Instance Variable key​Type The type of the key; either ssh-dss or ssh-rsa.
Instance Variable public​Key The server public key indicated by this line.
def fromString(cls, string): (source)
Parse a plain-text entry in a known_hosts file, and return a corresponding PlainEntry.
string:bytesa space-separated string formatted like "hostname key-type base64-key-data comment".
PlainEntryan IKnownHostEntry representing the hostname and key in the input line.
DecodeErrorif the key is not valid encoded as valid base64.
InvalidEntryif the entry does not have the right number of elements and is therefore invalid.
BadKeyErrorif the key, once decoded from base64, is not actually an SSH key.
def __init__(self, hostnames, keyType, publicKey, comment): (source)
def matchesHost(self, hostname): (source)
Check to see if this entry matches a given hostname.
hostname:bytesA hostname or IP address literal to check against this entry.
boolTrue if this entry is for the given hostname or IP address, False otherwise.
def toString(self): (source)
Implement IKnownHostEntry.toString by recording the comma-separated hostnames, key type, and base-64 encoded key.
bytesThe string representation of this entry, with unhashed hostname information.
_hostnames: list of bytes = (source)
the list of all host-names associated with this entry.