class documentation

class Reader(Component): (source)

Known subclasses: docutils.readers.ReReader, docutils.readers.standalone.Reader

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Abstract base class for docutils Readers.

Each reader module or package must export a subclass also called 'Reader'.

The two steps of a Reader's responsibility are to read data from the source Input object and parse the data with the Parser object. Call read() to process a document.

Method __init__ Initialize the Reader instance.
Method get​_transforms Transforms required by this class. Override in subclasses.
Method new​_document Create and return a new empty document tree (root node).
Method parse Parse self.input into a document tree.
Method read Undocumented
Method set​_parser Set self.parser by name.
Class Variable component​_type Name of the component type ('reader', 'parser', 'writer'). Override in subclasses.
Class Variable config​_section The name of the config file section specific to this component (lowercase, no brackets). Override in subclasses.
Instance Variable document Undocumented
Instance Variable input Raw text input; either a single string or, for more complex cases, a collection of strings.
Instance Variable parser A parsers.Parser instance shared by all doctrees. May be left unspecified if the document source determines the parser.
Instance Variable settings Undocumented
Instance Variable source IO object, source of input data.

Inherited from Component:

Method supports Is format supported by this component?
Class Variable supported Names for this component. Override in subclasses.

Inherited from SettingsSpec (via Component):

Class Variable config​_section​_dependencies No summary
Class Variable relative​_path​_settings Settings containing filesystem paths. Override in subclasses. Settings listed here are to be interpreted relative to the current working directory.
Class Variable settings​_default​_overrides A dictionary of auxiliary defaults, to override defaults for settings defined in other components. Override in subclasses.
Class Variable settings​_defaults A dictionary of defaults for settings not in settings_spec (internal settings, intended to be inaccessible by command-line and config file). Override in subclasses.
Class Variable settings​_spec Runtime settings specification. Override in subclasses.

Inherited from TransformSpec (via Component):

Class Variable default​_transforms Undocumented
Class Variable unknown​_reference​_resolvers No summary
def __init__(self, parser=None, parser_name=None): (source)

Initialize the Reader instance.

Several instance attributes are defined with dummy initial values. Subclasses may use these attributes as they wish.

def get_transforms(self): (source)
Transforms required by this class. Override in subclasses.
def new_document(self): (source)
Create and return a new empty document tree (root node).
def parse(self): (source)
Parse self.input into a document tree.
def read(self, source, parser, settings): (source)


def set_parser(self, parser_name): (source)
Set self.parser by name.
component_type: str = (source)
Name of the component type ('reader', 'parser', 'writer'). Override in subclasses.
config_section: str = (source)
The name of the config file section specific to this component (lowercase, no brackets). Override in subclasses.
input = (source)
Raw text input; either a single string or, for more complex cases, a collection of strings.
parser = (source)
A parsers.Parser instance shared by all doctrees. May be left unspecified if the document source determines the parser.
settings = (source)


source = (source) IO object, source of input data.