class documentation

class GridTableParser(TableParser): (source)

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Parse a grid table using parse().

Here's an example of a grid table:

| Header row, column 1   | Header 2   | Header 3 | Header 4 |
| body row 1, column 1   | column 2   | column 3 | column 4 |
| body row 2             | Cells may span columns.          |
| body row 3             | Cells may  | - Table cells       |
+------------------------+ span rows. | - contain           |
| body row 4             |            | - body elements.    |

Intersections use '+', row separators use '-' (except for one optional head/body row separator, which uses '='), and column separators use '|'.

Passing the above table to the parse() method will result in the following data structure:

([24, 12, 10, 10],
 [[(0, 0, 1, ['Header row, column 1']),
   (0, 0, 1, ['Header 2']),
   (0, 0, 1, ['Header 3']),
   (0, 0, 1, ['Header 4'])]],
 [[(0, 0, 3, ['body row 1, column 1']),
   (0, 0, 3, ['column 2']),
   (0, 0, 3, ['column 3']),
   (0, 0, 3, ['column 4'])],
  [(0, 0, 5, ['body row 2']),
   (0, 2, 5, ['Cells may span columns.']),
  [(0, 0, 7, ['body row 3']),
   (1, 0, 7, ['Cells may', 'span rows.', '']),
   (1, 1, 7, ['- Table cells', '- contain', '- body elements.']),
  [(0, 0, 9, ['body row 4']), None, None, None]])

The first item is a list containing column widths (colspecs). The second item is a list of head rows, and the third is a list of body rows. Each row contains a list of cells. Each cell is either None (for a cell unused because of another cell's span), or a tuple. A cell tuple contains four items: the number of extra rows used by the cell in a vertical span (morerows); the number of extra columns used by the cell in a horizontal span (morecols); the line offset of the first line of the cell contents; and the cell contents, a list of lines of text.

Method check_parse_complete Each text column should have been completely seen.
Method mark_done For keeping track of how much of each text column has been seen.
Method parse_table Start with a queue of upper-left corners, containing the upper-left corner of the table itself. Trace out one rectangular cell, remember it, and add its upper-right and lower-left corners to the queue of potential upper-left corners of further cells...
Method scan_cell Starting at the top-left corner, start tracing out a cell.
Method scan_down Look for the bottom-right corner of the cell, making note of all row boundaries.
Method scan_left Noting column boundaries, look for the bottom-left corner of the cell. It must line up with the starting point.
Method scan_right Look for the top-right corner of the cell, and make note of all column boundaries ('+').
Method scan_up Noting row boundaries, see if we can return to the starting point.
Method setup Undocumented
Method structure_from_cells From the data collected by scan_cell(), convert to the final data structure.
Class Variable head_body_separator_pat Matches the row separator between head rows and body rows.
Instance Variable block Undocumented
Instance Variable bottom Undocumented
Instance Variable cells Undocumented
Instance Variable colseps Undocumented
Instance Variable done Undocumented
Instance Variable head_body_sep Undocumented
Instance Variable right Undocumented
Instance Variable rowseps Undocumented

Inherited from TableParser:

Method find_head_body_sep Look for a head/body row separator line; store the line index.
Method parse Analyze the text block and return a table data structure.
Class Variable double_width_pad_char Padding character for East Asian double-width text.
def check_parse_complete(self): (source)

Each text column should have been completely seen.

def mark_done(self, top, left, bottom, right): (source)

For keeping track of how much of each text column has been seen.

def parse_table(self): (source)

Start with a queue of upper-left corners, containing the upper-left corner of the table itself. Trace out one rectangular cell, remember it, and add its upper-right and lower-left corners to the queue of potential upper-left corners of further cells. Process the queue in top-to-bottom order, keeping track of how much of each text column has been seen.

We'll end up knowing all the row and column boundaries, cell positions and their dimensions.

def scan_cell(self, top, left): (source)

Starting at the top-left corner, start tracing out a cell.

def scan_down(self, top, left, right): (source)

Look for the bottom-right corner of the cell, making note of all row boundaries.

def scan_left(self, top, left, bottom, right): (source)

Noting column boundaries, look for the bottom-left corner of the cell. It must line up with the starting point.

def scan_right(self, top, left): (source)

Look for the top-right corner of the cell, and make note of all column boundaries ('+').

def scan_up(self, top, left, bottom, right): (source)

Noting row boundaries, see if we can return to the starting point.

def setup(self, block): (source)


def structure_from_cells(self): (source)

From the data collected by scan_cell(), convert to the final data structure.

head_body_separator_pat = (source)

Matches the row separator between head rows and body rows.



cells: list = (source)


colseps: dict = (source)




rowseps: dict = (source)
