Docutils document tree element class library.
Classes in CamelCase are abstract base classes or auxiliary classes. The one
exception is Text
, for a text (PCDATA) node; uppercase is used to
differentiate from element classes. Classes in lower_case_with_underscores
are element classes, matching the XML element generic identifiers in the DTD.
The position of each node (the level at which it can occur) is significant and
is represented by abstract base classes (Root
, Structural
, Body
, etc.). Certain transformations will be easier because we can use
isinstance(node, base_class) to determine the position of the node in the
Class | abbreviation |
Undocumented |
Class | acronym |
Undocumented |
Class | address |
Undocumented |
Class | Admonition |
Undocumented |
Class | admonition |
Undocumented |
Class | attention |
Undocumented |
Class | attribution |
Undocumented |
Class | author |
Undocumented |
Class | authors |
Undocumented |
Class | BackLinkable |
Undocumented |
Class | Bibliographic |
Undocumented |
Class | block_quote |
Undocumented |
Class | Body |
Undocumented |
Class | bullet_list |
Undocumented |
Class | caption |
Undocumented |
Class | caution |
Undocumented |
Class | citation |
Undocumented |
Class | citation_reference |
Undocumented |
Class | classifier |
Undocumented |
Class | colspec |
Undocumented |
Class | comment |
Undocumented |
Class | compound |
Undocumented |
Class | contact |
Undocumented |
Class | container |
Undocumented |
Class | copyright |
Undocumented |
Class | danger |
Undocumented |
Class | date |
Undocumented |
Class | decoration |
Undocumented |
Class | Decorative |
Undocumented |
Class | definition |
Undocumented |
Class | definition_list |
Undocumented |
Class | definition_list_item |
Undocumented |
Class | description |
Undocumented |
Class | docinfo |
Undocumented |
Class | doctest_block |
Undocumented |
Class | document |
The document root element. |
Class | Element |
Element is the superclass to all specific elements. |
Class | emphasis |
Undocumented |
Class | entry |
Undocumented |
Class | enumerated_list |
Undocumented |
Class | error |
Undocumented |
Class | field |
Undocumented |
Class | field_body |
Undocumented |
Class | field_list |
Undocumented |
Class | field_name |
Undocumented |
Class | figure |
Undocumented |
Class | FixedTextElement |
An element which directly contains preformatted text. |
Class | footer |
Undocumented |
Class | footnote |
Undocumented |
Class | footnote_reference |
Undocumented |
Class | General |
Undocumented |
Class | generated |
Undocumented |
Class | GenericNodeVisitor |
Generic "Visitor" abstract superclass, for simple traversals. |
Class | header |
Undocumented |
Class | hint |
Undocumented |
Class | image |
Undocumented |
Class | important |
Undocumented |
Class | Inline |
Undocumented |
Class | inline |
Undocumented |
Class | Invisible |
Internal elements that don't appear in output. |
Class | label |
Undocumented |
Class | Labeled |
Contains a label as its first element. |
Class | legend |
Undocumented |
Class | line |
Undocumented |
Class | line_block |
Undocumented |
Class | list_item |
Undocumented |
Class | literal |
Undocumented |
Class | literal_block |
Undocumented |
Class | math |
Undocumented |
Class | math_block |
Undocumented |
Class | Node |
Abstract base class of nodes in a document tree. |
Class | NodeFound |
Raise to indicate that the target of a search has been found. This exception must be caught by the client; it is not caught by the traversal code. |
Class | NodeVisitor |
"Visitor" pattern [GoF95]_ abstract superclass implementation for document tree traversals. |
Class | note |
Undocumented |
Class | option |
Undocumented |
Class | option_argument |
Undocumented |
Class | option_group |
Undocumented |
Class | option_list |
Undocumented |
Class | option_list_item |
Undocumented |
Class | option_string |
Undocumented |
Class | organization |
Undocumented |
Class | paragraph |
Undocumented |
Class | Part |
Undocumented |
Class | pending |
No summary |
Class | PreBibliographic |
Category of Node which may occur before Bibliographic Nodes. |
Class | problematic |
Undocumented |
Class | raw |
Raw data that is to be passed untouched to the Writer. |
Class | reference |
Undocumented |
Class | Referential |
Undocumented |
Class | reprunicode |
A unicode sub-class that removes the initial u from unicode's repr. |
Class | Resolvable |
Undocumented |
Class | revision |
Undocumented |
Class | Root |
Undocumented |
Class | row |
Undocumented |
Class | rubric |
Undocumented |
Class | section |
Undocumented |
Class | Sequential |
List-like elements. |
Class | sidebar |
No summary |
Class | SkipChildren |
Do not visit any children of the current node. The current node's siblings and depart_... method are not affected. |
Class | SkipDeparture |
Do not call the current node's depart_... method. The current node's children and siblings are not affected. |
Class | SkipNode |
Do not visit the current node's children, and do not call the current node's depart_... method. |
Class | SkipSiblings |
Do not visit any more siblings (to the right) of the current node. The current node's children and its depart_... method are not affected. |
Class | SparseNodeVisitor |
No summary |
Class | Special |
Special internal body elements. |
Class | status |
Undocumented |
Class | StopTraversal |
No summary |
Class | strong |
Undocumented |
Class | Structural |
Undocumented |
Class | subscript |
Undocumented |
Class | substitution_definition |
Undocumented |
Class | substitution_reference |
Undocumented |
Class | subtitle |
Undocumented |
Class | superscript |
Undocumented |
Class | system_message |
System message element. |
Class | table |
Undocumented |
Class | target |
Undocumented |
Class | Targetable |
No class docstring; 1/2 class variable documented |
Class | tbody |
Undocumented |
Class | term |
Undocumented |
Class | Text |
Instances are terminal nodes (leaves) containing text only; no child nodes or attributes. Initialize by passing a string to the constructor. Access the text itself with the astext method. |
Class | TextElement |
An element which directly contains text. |
Class | tgroup |
Undocumented |
Class | thead |
Undocumented |
Class | tip |
Undocumented |
Class | title |
Undocumented |
Class | title_reference |
Undocumented |
Class | Titular |
Undocumented |
Class | topic |
Topics are terminal, "leaf" mini-sections, like block quotes with titles, or textual figures. A topic is just like a section, except that it has no subsections, and it doesn't have to conform to section placement rules. |
Class | transition |
Undocumented |
Class | TreeCopyVisitor |
Make a complete copy of a tree or branch, including element attributes. |
Class | TreePruningException |
Base class for NodeVisitor -related tree pruning exceptions. |
Class | version |
Undocumented |
Class | warning |
Undocumented |
Function | dupname |
Undocumented |
Function | ensure_str |
Failsave conversion of unicode to str . |
Function | fully_normalize_name |
Return a case- and whitespace-normalized name. |
Function | make_id |
Convert string into an identifier and return it. |
Function | pseudo_quoteattr |
Quote attributes for pseudo-xml |
Function | serial_escape |
Escape string values that are elements of a list, for serialization. |
Function | unescape |
Return a string with nulls removed or restored to backslashes. Backslash-escaped spaces are also removed. |
Function | whitespace_normalize_name |
Return a whitespace-normalized name. |
Variable | node_class_names |
A list of names of all concrete Node subclasses. |
Class | _traversal_list |
Undocumented |
Function | _add_node_class_names |
Save typing with dynamic assignments: |
Function | _call_default_departure |
Undocumented |
Function | _call_default_visit |
Undocumented |
Function | _nop |
Undocumented |
Variable | _non_id_at_ends |
Undocumented |
Variable | _non_id_chars |
Undocumented |
Variable | _non_id_translate |
Undocumented |
Variable | _non_id_translate_digraphs |
Undocumented |
Convert string
into an identifier and return it.
Docutils identifiers will conform to the regular expression [a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)*. For CSS compatibility, identifiers (the "class" and "id" attributes) should have no underscores, colons, or periods. Hyphens may be used.
The HTML 4.01 spec defines identifiers based on SGML tokens:
ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").
However the CSS1 spec defines identifiers based on the "name" token, a tighter interpretation ("flex" tokenizer notation; "latin1" and "escape" 8-bit characters have been replaced with entities):
unicode \[0-9a-f]{1,4} latin1 [¡-ÿ] escape {unicode}|\[ -~¡-ÿ] nmchar [-a-z0-9]|{latin1}|{escape} name {nmchar}+
The CSS1 "nmchar" rule does not include underscores ("_"), colons (":"), or periods ("."), therefore "class" and "id" attributes should not contain these characters. They should be replaced with hyphens ("-"). Combined with HTML's requirements (the first character must be a letter; no "unicode", "latin1", or "escape" characters), this results in the [a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)* pattern.