class documentation

class Values(optparse.Values): (source)

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Updates list attributes by extension rather than by replacement. Works in conjunction with the OptionParser.lists instance attribute.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method copy Return a shallow copy of self.
Method setdefault V.setdefault(n[,d]) -> getattr(V,n,d), also set D.n=d if n not in D or None.
Method update Undocumented
Instance Variable record​_dependencies Undocumented
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)


def copy(self): (source)
Return a shallow copy of self.
def setdefault(self, name, default): (source)
V.setdefault(n[,d]) -> getattr(V,n,d), also set D.n=d if n not in D or None.
def update(self, other_dict, option_parser): (source)


record_dependencies = (source)
