module documentation

Inference objects are a way to represent composite AST nodes, which are used only as inference results, so they can't be found in the original AST tree. For instance, inferring the following frozenset use, leads to an inferred FrozenSet:

Call(func=Name('frozenset'), args=Tuple(...))
Class ​Dict​Instance Special kind of instances for dictionaries
Class ​Dict​Items Undocumented
Class ​Dict​Keys Undocumented
Class ​Dict​Values Undocumented
Class ​Exception​Instance Class for instances of exceptions
Class ​Frozen​Set class representing a FrozenSet composite node
Class ​Partial​Function A class representing partial function obtained via functools.partial
Class ​Property Class representing a Python property
Class ​Super Proxy class over a super call.
Variable objectmodel Undocumented
objectmodel = (source)
