class documentation

class ListComp(_ListComp, ComprehensionScope): (source)

View In Hierarchy

Class representing an ast.ListComp node.

>>> import astroid
>>> node = astroid.extract_node('[thing for thing in things if thing]')
>>> node
<ListComp l.1 at 0x7f23b2e418d0>
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable locals A map of the name of a local variable to the node defining it.
Class Variable _other​_other​_fields Undocumented

Inherited from _ListComp:

Method bool​_value Determine the boolean value of this node.
Method get​_children Undocumented
Method postinit Do some setup after initialisation.
Instance Variable elt The element that forms the output of the expression.
Instance Variable generators The generators that are looped through.
Class Variable _astroid​_fields Undocumented

Inherited from LocalsDictNodeNG (via ComprehensionScope):

Method __contains__ Check if a local is defined in this scope.
Method __getitem__ The first node the defines the given local.
Method __iter__ Iterate over the names of locals defined in this scoped node.
Method add​_local​_node Append a child that should alter the locals of this scope node.
Method items Get the names of the locals and the node that defines the local.
Method keys The names of locals defined in this scoped node.
Method qname Get the 'qualified' name of the node.
Method scope The first parent node defining a new scope.
Method set​_local Define that the given name is declared in the given statement node.
Method values The nodes that define the locals in this scoped node.
Method _append​_node append a child, linking it in the tree
Method _scope​_lookup XXX method for interfacing the scope lookup

Inherited from LookupMixIn (via ComprehensionScope, LocalsDictNodeNG):

Method ilookup Lookup the inferred values of the given variable.
Method lookup Lookup where the given variable is assigned.
def __init__(self, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None, *, end_lineno=None, end_col_offset=None): (source)


locals: dict = (source)
A map of the name of a local variable to the node defining it.
_other_other_fields: tuple[str, ...] = (source)
